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Revision f2c05b8d

Added by Marek Hulán over 7 years ago

Fixes #17330 - skip admin email if it's unknown

When admin user is being seeded the Setting might not exist at that
moment. We can't just create it with value, since the setting would
be invalid because of other attributes. Therefore we split settings
creation from the setting list so we could create it from seed too.

This also fixes first_or_create calls that was broken by overrind the
create method. The setting was missing name since we didn't call new
method on Relation object.

View differences:

def self.create(opts)
# can be set by default scope, e.g. from first_or_create use
opts = { :name => } if opts.nil?
if (s = Setting.find_by_name(opts[:name].to_s)).nil?
super opts.merge(:value => readonly_value(opts[:name].to_sym) || opts[:value])
def self.create!(opts)
# can be set by default scope, e.g. from first_or_create use
opts = { :name => } if opts.nil?
if (s = Setting.find_by_name(opts[:name].to_s)).nil?
super opts.merge(:value => readonly_value(opts[:name].to_sym) || opts[:value])
require 'facter'
class Setting::Auth < Setting
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
def self.default_settings
fqdn = Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn]
lower_fqdn = fqdn.downcase
ssl_cert = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/certs/#{lower_fqdn}.pem"
ssl_ca_file = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/certs/ca.pem"
ssl_priv_key = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/private_keys/#{lower_fqdn}.pem"
self.set('oauth_active', N_("Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization"), false, N_('OAuth active')),
self.set('oauth_consumer_key', N_("OAuth consumer key"), '', N_('OAuth consumer key'), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_consumer_secret', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), '', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_map_users', N_("Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights."), true, N_('OAuth map users')),
self.set('restrict_registered_smart_proxies', N_('Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication'), true, N_('Restrict registered smart proxies')),
self.set('require_ssl_smart_proxies', N_('Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)'), true, N_('Require SSL for smart proxies')),
self.set('trusted_puppetmaster_hosts', N_('Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output'), [], N_('Trusted puppetmaster hosts')),
self.set('ssl_certificate', N_("SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_cert, N_('SSL certificate')),
self.set('ssl_ca_file', N_("SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_ca_file, N_('SSL CA file')),
self.set('ssl_priv_key', N_("SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_priv_key, N_('SSL private key')),
self.set('ssl_client_dn_env', N_('Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN', N_('SSL client DN env')),
self.set('ssl_client_verify_env', N_('Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY', N_('SSL client verify env')),
self.set('ssl_client_cert_env', N_("Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate"), 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT', N_('SSL client cert env')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_key', N_("Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL key')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_cert', N_("Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL certificate')),
# websockets_encrypt depends on key/cert when true, so initialize it last
self.set('websockets_encrypt', N_("VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)"), !!SETTINGS[:require_ssl], N_('Websockets encryption')),
self.set('login_delegation_logout_url', N_('Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)'), nil, N_('Login delegation logout URL')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_auth_source_user_autocreate', N_('Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)'), nil, N_('Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_api', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation API')),
self.set('idle_timeout', N_("Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes"), 60, N_('Idle timeout')),
self.set('bmc_credentials_accessible', N_("Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates"), true, N_('BMC credentials access'))
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
self.transaction do
self.set('oauth_active', N_("Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization"), false, N_('OAuth active')),
self.set('oauth_consumer_key', N_("OAuth consumer key"), '', N_('OAuth consumer key'), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_consumer_secret', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), '', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_map_users', N_("Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights."), true, N_('OAuth map users')),
self.set('restrict_registered_smart_proxies', N_('Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication'), true, N_('Restrict registered smart proxies')),
self.set('require_ssl_smart_proxies', N_('Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)'), true, N_('Require SSL for smart proxies')),
self.set('trusted_puppetmaster_hosts', N_('Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output'), [], N_('Trusted puppetmaster hosts')),
self.set('ssl_certificate', N_("SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_cert, N_('SSL certificate')),
self.set('ssl_ca_file', N_("SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_ca_file, N_('SSL CA file')),
self.set('ssl_priv_key', N_("SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_priv_key, N_('SSL private key')),
self.set('ssl_client_dn_env', N_('Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN', N_('SSL client DN env')),
self.set('ssl_client_verify_env', N_('Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY', N_('SSL client verify env')),
self.set('ssl_client_cert_env', N_("Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate"), 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT', N_('SSL client cert env')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_key', N_("Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL key')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_cert', N_("Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL certificate')),
# websockets_encrypt depends on key/cert when true, so initialize it last
self.set('websockets_encrypt', N_("VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)"), !!SETTINGS[:require_ssl], N_('Websockets encryption')),
self.set('login_delegation_logout_url', N_('Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)'), nil, N_('Login delegation logout URL')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_auth_source_user_autocreate', N_('Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)'), nil, N_('Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_api', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation API')),
self.set('idle_timeout', N_("Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes"), 60, N_('Idle timeout')),
self.set('bmc_credentials_accessible', N_("Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates"), true, N_('BMC credentials access'))
].compact.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Auth")}
default_settings.compact.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Auth")}
class Setting::Email < Setting
NON_EMAIL_YAML_SETTINGS = %w(send_welcome_email email_reply_address email_subject_prefix)
def self.default_settings
domain = Facter.value(:domain) || SETTINGS[:domain]
email_reply_address = "Foreman-noreply@#{domain}"
self.set('email_reply_address', N_("Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending"), email_reply_address, N_('Email reply address')),
self.set('email_subject_prefix', N_("Prefix to add to all outgoing email"), '[foreman]', N_('Email subject prefix')),
self.set('send_welcome_email', N_("Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users"), false, N_('Send welcome email')),
self.set('delivery_method', N_("Method used to deliver email"), 'sendmail', N_('Delivery method'), nil, { :collection => {{:sendmail => _("Sendmail"), :smtp => _("SMTP")}}}),
self.set('smtp_enable_starttls_auto', N_("SMTP automatic STARTTLS"), true, N_('SMTP enable StartTLS auto')),
self.set('smtp_openssl_verify_mode', N_("When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate"), '', N_('SMTP OpenSSL verify mode'), nil, { :collection => {{'' => _("Default verification mode"), :none => _("none"), :peer => "peer", :client_once => "client_once", :fail_if_no_peer_cert => "fail_if_no_peer_cert"}}}),
self.set('smtp_address', N_("Address to connect to"), '', N_('SMTP address')),
self.set('smtp_port', N_("Port to connect to"), 25, N_('SMTP port')),
self.set('smtp_domain', N_("HELO/EHLO domain"), '', N_('SMTP HELO/EHLO domain')),
self.set('smtp_user_name', N_("Username to use to authenticate, if required"), '', N_('SMTP username')),
self.set('smtp_password', N_("Password to use to authenticate, if required"), '', N_('SMTP password'), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('smtp_authentication', N_("Specify authentication type, if required"), '', N_('SMTP authentication'), nil, { :collection => {{:plain => "plain", :login => "login", :cram_md5 => "cram_md5", '' => _("none")}}}),
self.set('sendmail_arguments', N_("Specify additional options to sendmail"), '-i', N_('Sendmail arguments')),
self.set('sendmail_location', N_("The location of the sendmail executable"), "/usr/sbin/sendmail", N_('Sendmail location'))
def self.load_defaults
Foreman::Deprecation.deprecation_warning('1.16', "'email.yaml' file configuration has been deprecated, email configuration has been moved to Foreman settings") if mailconfig.present?
# Check the table exists
return unless super
domain = Facter.value(:domain) || SETTINGS[:domain]
email_reply_address = "Foreman-noreply@#{domain}"
self.transaction do
self.set('email_reply_address', N_("Email reply address for emails that Foreman is sending"), email_reply_address, N_('Email reply address')),
self.set('email_subject_prefix', N_("Prefix to add to all outgoing email"), '[foreman]', N_('Email subject prefix')),
self.set('send_welcome_email', N_("Send a welcome email including username and URL to new users"), false, N_('Send welcome email')),
self.set('delivery_method', N_("Method used to deliver email"), 'sendmail', N_('Delivery method'), nil, { :collection => {{:sendmail => _("Sendmail"), :smtp => _("SMTP")}}}),
self.set('smtp_enable_starttls_auto', N_("SMTP automatic STARTTLS"), true, N_('SMTP enable StartTLS auto')),
self.set('smtp_openssl_verify_mode', N_("When using TLS, you can set how OpenSSL checks the certificate"), '', N_('SMTP OpenSSL verify mode'), nil, { :collection => {{'' => _("Default verification mode"), :none => _("none"), :peer => "peer", :client_once => "client_once", :fail_if_no_peer_cert => "fail_if_no_peer_cert"}}}),
self.set('smtp_address', N_("Address to connect to"), '', N_('SMTP address')),
self.set('smtp_port', N_("Port to connect to"), 25, N_('SMTP port')),
self.set('smtp_domain', N_("HELO/EHLO domain"), '', N_('SMTP HELO/EHLO domain')),
self.set('smtp_user_name', N_("Username to use to authenticate, if required"), '', N_('SMTP username')),
self.set('smtp_password', N_("Password to use to authenticate, if required"), '', N_('SMTP password'), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('smtp_authentication', N_("Specify authentication type, if required"), '', N_('SMTP authentication'), nil, { :collection => {{:plain => "plain", :login => "login", :cram_md5 => "cram_md5", '' => _("none")}}}),
self.set('sendmail_arguments', N_("Specify additional options to sendmail"), '-i', N_('Sendmail arguments')),
self.set('sendmail_location', N_("The location of the sendmail executable"), "/usr/sbin/sendmail", N_('Sendmail location'))
].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Email")}
default_settings.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Email")}
require 'facter'
class Setting::General < Setting
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
def self.default_settings
protocol = SETTINGS[:require_ssl] ? 'https' : 'http'
domain = Facter.value(:domain) || SETTINGS[:domain]
administrator = "root@#{domain}"
foreman_url = "#{protocol}://#{Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn]}"
self.set('administrator', N_("The default administrator email address"), administrator, N_('Administrator email address')),
self.set('foreman_url', N_("URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)"), foreman_url, N_('Foreman URL')),
self.set('entries_per_page', N_("Number of records shown per page in Foreman"), 20, N_('Entries per page')),
self.set('fix_db_cache', N_('Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart'), false, N_('Fix DB cache')),
self.set('max_trend', N_("Max days for Trends graphs"), 30, N_('Max trends')),
self.set('use_gravatar', N_("Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons"), false, N_('Use Gravatar')),
self.set('db_pending_migration', N_("Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?"), true, N_('DB pending migration')),
self.set('db_pending_seed', N_("Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?"), true, N_('DB pending seed')),
self.set('proxy_request_timeout', N_("Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy"), 60, N_('Proxy request timeout')),
self.set('login_text', N_("Text to be shown in the login-page footer"), nil, N_('Login page footer text')),
self.set('host_power_status', N_("Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page."), true, N_('Show host power status'))
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
self.transaction do
self.set('administrator', N_("The default administrator email address"), administrator, N_('Administrator email address')),
self.set('foreman_url', N_("URL where your Foreman instance is reachable (see also Provisioning > unattended_url)"), foreman_url, N_('Foreman URL')),
self.set('entries_per_page', N_("Number of records shown per page in Foreman"), 20, N_('Entries per page')),
self.set('fix_db_cache', N_('Fix DB cache on next Foreman restart'), false, N_('Fix DB cache')),
self.set('max_trend', N_("Max days for Trends graphs"), 30, N_('Max trends')),
self.set('use_gravatar', N_("Foreman will use gravatar to display user icons"), false, N_('Use Gravatar')),
self.set('db_pending_migration', N_("Should the `foreman-rake db:migrate` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?"), true, N_('DB pending migration')),
self.set('db_pending_seed', N_("Should the `foreman-rake db:seed` be executed on the next run of the installer modules?"), true, N_('DB pending seed')),
self.set('proxy_request_timeout', N_("Max timeout for REST client requests to smart-proxy"), 60, N_('Proxy request timeout')),
self.set('login_text', N_("Text to be shown in the login-page footer"), nil, N_('Login page footer text')),
self.set('host_power_status', N_("Show power status on host index page. This feature calls to compute resource providers which may lead to decreased performance on host listing page."), true, N_('Show host power status'))
].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::General")}
default_settings.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::General")}
require 'facter'
class Setting::Provisioning < Setting
def self.default_settings
fqdn = Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn]
unattended_url = "http://#{fqdn}"
self.set('root_pass', N_("Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts"), nil, N_('Root password')),
self.set('unattended_url', N_("URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)"), unattended_url, N_('Unattended URL')),
self.set('safemode_render', N_("Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)"), true, N_('Safemode rendering')),
self.set('access_unattended_without_build', N_("Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used"), false, N_('Access unattended without build')),
self.set('manage_puppetca', N_("Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host"), true, N_('Manage PuppetCA')),
self.set('ignore_puppet_facts_for_provisioning', N_("Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)"), false, N_('Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning')),
self.set('ignored_interface_identifiers', N_("Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*"), ['lo', 'usb*', 'vnet*', 'macvtap*', '_vdsmdummy_', 'veth*'], N_('Ignore interfaces with matching identifier')),
self.set('ignore_facts_for_operatingsystem', N_("Stop updating Operating System from facts"), false, N_('Ignore facts for operating system')),
self.set('ignore_facts_for_domain', N_("Stop updating domain values from facts"), false, N_('Ignore facts for domain')),
self.set('query_local_nameservers', N_("Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities"), false, N_('Query local nameservers')),
self.set('remote_addr', N_("If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|"), "", N_('Remote address')),
self.set('token_duration', N_("Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation"), 60 * 6, N_('Token duration')),
self.set('libvirt_default_console_address', N_("The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt"), "", N_('Libvirt default console address')),
self.set('update_ip_from_built_request', N_("Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request"), false, N_('Update IP from built request')),
self.set('use_shortname_for_vms', N_("Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines"), false, N_('Use short name for VMs')),
self.set('dns_conflict_timeout', N_("Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)"), 3, N_('DNS conflict timeout')),
self.set('clean_up_failed_deployment', N_("Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code"), true, N_('Clean up failed deployment')),
self.set('name_generator_type', N_("Random gives unique names, MAC-based are longer but stable (and only works with bare-metal)"), 'Random-based', N_("Type of name generator"), nil, {:collection => {NameGenerator::GENERATOR_TYPES} })
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
fqdn = Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn]
unattended_url = "http://#{fqdn}"
self.transaction do
self.set('root_pass', N_("Default encrypted root password on provisioned hosts"), nil, N_('Root password')),
self.set('unattended_url', N_("URL hosts will retrieve templates from during build (normally http as many installers don't support https)"), unattended_url, N_('Unattended URL')),
self.set('safemode_render', N_("Enable safe mode config templates rendering (recommended)"), true, N_('Safemode rendering')),
self.set('access_unattended_without_build', N_("Allow access to unattended URLs without build mode being used"), false, N_('Access unattended without build')),
self.set('manage_puppetca', N_("Foreman will automate certificate signing upon provision of new host"), true, N_('Manage PuppetCA')),
self.set('ignore_puppet_facts_for_provisioning', N_("Stop updating IP address and MAC values from Puppet facts (affects all interfaces)"), false, N_('Ignore Puppet facts for provisioning')),
self.set('ignored_interface_identifiers', N_("Ignore interfaces that match these values during facts importing, you can use * wildcard to match names with indexes e.g. macvtap*"), ['lo', 'usb*', 'vnet*', 'macvtap*', '_vdsmdummy_', 'veth*'], N_('Ignore interfaces with matching identifier')),
self.set('ignore_facts_for_operatingsystem', N_("Stop updating Operating System from facts"), false, N_('Ignore facts for operating system')),
self.set('ignore_facts_for_domain', N_("Stop updating domain values from facts"), false, N_('Ignore facts for domain')),
self.set('query_local_nameservers', N_("Foreman will query the locally configured resolver instead of the SOA/NS authorities"), false, N_('Query local nameservers')),
self.set('remote_addr', N_("If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote load balancer, the IP should be set here. This is a regular expression, so it can support several load balancers, i.e: (|"), "", N_('Remote address')),
self.set('token_duration', N_("Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable token generation"), 60 * 6, N_('Token duration')),
self.set('libvirt_default_console_address', N_("The IP address that should be used for the console listen address when provisioning new virtual machines via Libvirt"), "", N_('Libvirt default console address')),
self.set('update_ip_from_built_request', N_("Foreman will update the host IP with the IP that made the built request"), false, N_('Update IP from built request')),
self.set('use_shortname_for_vms', N_("Foreman will use the short hostname instead of the FQDN for creating new virtual machines"), false, N_('Use short name for VMs')),
self.set('dns_conflict_timeout', N_("Timeout for DNS conflict validation (in seconds)"), 3, N_('DNS conflict timeout')),
self.set('clean_up_failed_deployment', N_("Foreman will delete virtual machine if provisioning script ends with non zero exit code"), true, N_('Clean up failed deployment')),
self.set('name_generator_type', N_("Random gives unique names, MAC-based are longer but stable (and only works with bare-metal)"), 'Random-based', N_("Type of name generator"), nil, {:collection => {NameGenerator::GENERATOR_TYPES} })
].each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Provisioning")}
default_settings.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Provisioning")}
class Setting::Puppet < Setting
def self.default_settings
self.set('puppet_interval', N_("Puppet interval in minutes"), 30, N_('Puppet interval')),
self.set('outofsync_interval', N_("Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync."), 5, N_('Out of sync interval')),
self.set('default_puppet_environment', N_("Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one"), "production", N_('Default Puppet environment'), nil, { :collection => {Hash[{|env| [env[:name], env[:name]]}]} }),
self.set('modulepath',N_("Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one"), "/etc/puppet/modules", N_('Module path')),
self.set('puppetrun', N_("Enable puppetrun support"), false, N_('Puppetrun')),
self.set('puppet_server', N_("Default Puppet server hostname"), "puppet", N_('Puppet server')),
self.set('Default_variables_Lookup_Path', N_("Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default"), ["fqdn", "hostgroup", "os", "domain"], N_('Default variables lookup path')),
self.set('Enable_Smart_Variables_in_ENC', N_("Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output"), true, N_('Enable smart variables in ENC')),
self.set('Parametrized_Classes_in_ENC', N_("Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output"), true, N_('Parameterized classes in ENC')),
self.set('interpolate_erb_in_parameters', N_("Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output"), true, N_('Interpolate ERB in parameters')),
self.set('enc_environment', N_("Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman"), true, N_('ENC environment')),
self.set('use_uuid_for_certificates', N_("Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames"), false, N_('Use UUID for certificates')),
self.set('update_environment_from_facts', N_("Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts"), false, N_('Update environment from facts')),
self.set('update_subnets_from_facts', N_("Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts"), false, N_('Update subnets from facts')),
self.set('host_group_matchers_inheritance', N_("Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters"), true, N_('Host group matchers inheritance')),
self.set('create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded', N_("Foreman will create the host when new facts are received"), true, N_('Create new host when facts are uploaded')),
self.set('create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded', N_("Foreman will create the host when a report is received"), true, N_('Create new host when report is uploaded')),
self.set('legacy_puppet_hostname', N_("Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet"), false, N_('Legacy Puppet hostname')),
self.set('location_fact', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location."), 'foreman_location', N_('Location fact')),
self.set('organization_fact', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization."), 'foreman_organization', N_('Organization fact')),
self.set('default_location', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location"), '', N_('Default location'), nil, { :collection => {Hash[{|loc| [loc[:title], loc[:title]]}]} }),
self.set('default_organization', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization"), '', N_('Default organization'), nil, {:collection => {Hash[{|org| [org[:title], org[:title]]}]} }),
self.set('always_show_configuration_status', N_("All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned"), false, N_('Always show configuration status'))
def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super
self.transaction do
self.set('puppet_interval', N_("Puppet interval in minutes"), 30, N_('Puppet interval')),
self.set('outofsync_interval', N_("Duration in minutes after the Puppet interval for servers to be classed as out of sync."), 5, N_('Out of sync interval')),
self.set('default_puppet_environment', N_("Foreman will default to this puppet environment if it cannot auto detect one"), "production", N_('Default Puppet environment'), nil, { :collection => {Hash[{|env| [env[:name], env[:name]]}]} }),
self.set('modulepath',N_("Foreman will set this as the default Puppet module path if it cannot auto detect one"), "/etc/puppet/modules", N_('Module path')),
self.set('puppetrun', N_("Enable puppetrun support"), false, N_('Puppetrun')),
self.set('puppet_server', N_("Default Puppet server hostname"), "puppet", N_('Puppet server')),
self.set('Default_variables_Lookup_Path', N_("Foreman will evaluate host smart variables in this order by default"), ["fqdn", "hostgroup", "os", "domain"], N_('Default variables lookup path')),
self.set('Enable_Smart_Variables_in_ENC', N_("Foreman smart variables will be exposed via the ENC yaml output"), true, N_('Enable smart variables in ENC')),
self.set('Parametrized_Classes_in_ENC', N_("Foreman will use the new (2.6.5+) format for classes in the ENC yaml output"), true, N_('Parameterized classes in ENC')),
self.set('interpolate_erb_in_parameters', N_("Foreman will parse ERB in parameters value in the ENC output"), true, N_('Interpolate ERB in parameters')),
self.set('enc_environment', N_("Foreman will explicitly set the puppet environment in the ENC yaml output. This will avoid conflicts between the environment in puppet.conf and the environment set in Foreman"), true, N_('ENC environment')),
self.set('use_uuid_for_certificates', N_("Foreman will use random UUIDs for certificate signing instead of hostnames"), false, N_('Use UUID for certificates')),
self.set('update_environment_from_facts', N_("Foreman will update a host's environment from its facts"), false, N_('Update environment from facts')),
self.set('update_subnets_from_facts', N_("Foreman will update a host's subnet from its facts"), false, N_('Update subnets from facts')),
self.set('host_group_matchers_inheritance', N_("Foreman host group matchers will be inherited by children when evaluating smart class parameters"), true, N_('Host group matchers inheritance')),
self.set('create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded', N_("Foreman will create the host when new facts are received"), true, N_('Create new host when facts are uploaded')),
self.set('create_new_host_when_report_is_uploaded', N_("Foreman will create the host when a report is received"), true, N_('Create new host when report is uploaded')),
self.set('legacy_puppet_hostname', N_("Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet"), false, N_('Legacy Puppet hostname')),
self.set('location_fact', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the location this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the location."), 'foreman_location', N_('Location fact')),
self.set('organization_fact', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run will be placed in the organization this fact dictates. The content of this fact should be the full label of the organization."), 'foreman_organization', N_('Organization fact')),
self.set('default_location', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a location fact will be placed in this location"), '', N_('Default location'), nil, { :collection => {Hash[{|loc| [loc[:title], loc[:title]]}]} }),
self.set('default_organization', N_("Hosts created after a puppet run that did not send a organization fact will be placed in this organization"), '', N_('Default organization'), nil, {:collection => {Hash[{|org| [org[:title], org[:title]]}]} }),
self.set('always_show_configuration_status', N_("All hosts will show a configuration status even when a Puppet smart proxy is not assigned"), false, N_('Always show configuration status'))
].compact.each { |s| self.create s.update(:category => "Setting::Puppet")}
default_settings.compact.each { |s| self.create s.update(:category => "Setting::Puppet")}
def self.humanized_category
user = => admin_user,
:firstname => ENV['SEED_ADMIN_FIRST_NAME'] || "Admin",
:lastname => ENV['SEED_ADMIN_LAST_NAME'] || "User",
:mail => (ENV['SEED_ADMIN_EMAIL'] || Setting[:administrator]).dup)
:mail => (ENV['SEED_ADMIN_EMAIL'] || Setting[:administrator]).try(:dup))
user.admin = true
user.auth_source = src_internal
# of not installing with installer, we want to ensure the settings to false
# at the end of the seeding
Rake::Task['db:seed'].enhance do
Setting['db_pending_migration'] = false
Setting['db_pending_seed'] = false
%w(db_pending_migration db_pending_seed).each do |setting_name|
if !Setting[setting_name].nil?
Setting[setting_name] = false
setting = Setting::General.default_settings.detect { |s| s[:name] == setting_name }
setting[:value] = false
Setting.create! setting.update(:category => "Setting::General")
assert_equal "no-bar", persisted.value
def test_first_or_create_works
assert_nothing_raised do
name = "rand_#{rand(1_000_000)}"
setting = Setting.where(:name => name).first_or_create
assert_equal name,
# tests for saving settings attributes
def test_settings_should_save_arrays
check_properties_saved_and_loaded_ok :name => "foo", :value => [1,2,3,'b'], :default => ['b',"b"], :description => "test foo"

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