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require 'facter'
class Setting::Auth < Setting
def self.default_settings
fqdn = Facter.value(:fqdn) || SETTINGS[:fqdn]
lower_fqdn = fqdn.downcase
ssl_cert = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/certs/#{lower_fqdn}.pem"
ssl_ca_file = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/certs/ca.pem"
ssl_priv_key = "#{SETTINGS[:puppetssldir]}/private_keys/#{lower_fqdn}.pem"

self.set('oauth_active', N_("Foreman will use OAuth for API authorization"), false, N_('OAuth active')),
self.set('oauth_consumer_key', N_("OAuth consumer key"), '', N_('OAuth consumer key'), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_consumer_secret', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), '', N_("OAuth consumer secret"), nil, {:encrypted => true}),
self.set('oauth_map_users', N_("Foreman will map users by username in request-header. If this is set to false, OAuth requests will have admin rights."), true, N_('OAuth map users')),
self.set('restrict_registered_smart_proxies', N_('Only known Smart Proxies may access features that use Smart Proxy authentication'), true, N_('Restrict registered smart proxies')),
self.set('require_ssl_smart_proxies', N_('Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies (:require_ssl should also be enabled)'), true, N_('Require SSL for smart proxies')),
self.set('trusted_puppetmaster_hosts', N_('Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output'), [], N_('Trusted puppetmaster hosts')),
self.set('ssl_certificate', N_("SSL Certificate path that Foreman would use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_cert, N_('SSL certificate')),
self.set('ssl_ca_file', N_("SSL CA file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_ca_file, N_('SSL CA file')),
self.set('ssl_priv_key', N_("SSL Private Key file that Foreman will use to communicate with its proxies"), ssl_priv_key, N_('SSL private key')),
self.set('ssl_client_dn_env', N_('Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_S_DN', N_('SSL client DN env')),
self.set('ssl_client_verify_env', N_('Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate'), 'SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY', N_('SSL client verify env')),
self.set('ssl_client_cert_env', N_("Environment variable containing a client's SSL certificate"), 'SSL_CLIENT_CERT', N_('SSL client cert env')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_key', N_("Private key file that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL key')),
self.set('websockets_ssl_cert', N_("Certificate that Foreman will use to encrypt websockets "), nil, N_('Websockets SSL certificate')),
# websockets_encrypt depends on key/cert when true, so initialize it last
self.set('websockets_encrypt', N_("VNC/SPICE websocket proxy console access encryption (websockets_ssl_key/cert setting required)"), !!SETTINGS[:require_ssl], N_('Websockets encryption')),
self.set('login_delegation_logout_url', N_('Redirect your users to this url on logout (authorize_login_delegation should also be enabled)'), nil, N_('Login delegation logout URL')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_auth_source_user_autocreate', N_('Name of the external auth source where unknown externally authentication users (see authorize_login_delegation) should be created (keep unset to prevent the autocreation)'), nil, N_('Authorize login delegation auth source user autocreate')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation')),
self.set('authorize_login_delegation_api', N_("Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls too"), false, N_('Authorize login delegation API')),
self.set('idle_timeout', N_("Log out idle users after a certain number of minutes"), 60, N_('Idle timeout')),
self.set('bmc_credentials_accessible', N_("Permits access to BMC interface passwords through ENC YAML output and in templates"), true, N_('BMC credentials access'))

def self.load_defaults
# Check the table exists
return unless super

self.transaction do
default_settings.compact.each { |s| self.create! s.update(:category => "Setting::Auth")}


def self.humanized_category

def validate_bmc_credentials_accessible(record)
if !record.value && !Setting[:safemode_render]
record.errors[:base] << _("Unable to disable bmc_credentials_accessible when safemode_render is disabled")

def validate_websockets_encrypt(record)
if record.value && (Setting["websockets_ssl_key"].empty? || Setting["websockets_ssl_cert"].empty?)
record.errors[:base] << _("Unable to turn on websockets_encrypt, either websockets_ssl_key or websockets_ssl_cert is missing")

def validate_websockets_ssl_key(record)
if record.value.empty? && Setting["websockets_encrypt"]
record.errors[:base] << _("Unable to unset websockets_ssl_key when websockets_encrypt is on")

def validate_websockets_ssl_cert(record)
if record.value.empty? && Setting["websockets_encrypt"]
record.errors[:base] << _("Unable to unset websockets_ssl_cert when websockets_encrypt is on")