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Revision f4353149

Added by Shlomi Zadok about 9 years ago

fixes #9877 - Add descriptions to smart_class_parameters in api/v2

View differences:

param :id, :identifier, :required => true
param :smart_class_parameter, Hash, :required => true do
# can't update parameter/key name for :parameter, String, :required => true
param :override, :bool
param :description, String
param :default_value, String
param :use_puppet_default, :bool
param :path, String
param :validator_type, String
param :validator_rule, String
param :override_value_order, String
param :parameter_type, String
param :required, :bool
param :merge_overrides, :bool
param :avoid_duplicates, :bool
param :override, :bool, :desc => N_("Whether the smart variable value is managed by Foreman")
param :description, String, :desc => N_("Description of smart class")
param :default_value, String, :desc => N_("Value to use when there is no match")
param :use_puppet_default, :bool, :desc => N_("Do not send this parameter via the ENC. Puppet will use the value defined in the Puppet manifest for this parameter")
param :path, String, :desc => N_("The order in which values are resolved")
param :validator_type, LookupKey::VALIDATOR_TYPES, :desc => N_("Types of validation values")
param :validator_rule, String, :desc => N_("Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values")
param :override_value_order, String, :desc => N_("The order in which values are resolved")
param :parameter_type, LookupKey::KEY_TYPES, :desc => N_("Types of variable values")
param :required, :bool, :desc => N_("If true, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value")
param :merge_overrides, :bool, :desc => N_("Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)")
param :avoid_duplicates, :bool, :desc => N_("Remove duplicate values (only array type)")
def update
param :default_value, String, :desc => N_("Default value of variable")
param :override_value_order, String, :desc => N_("The order in which values are resolved")
param :description, String, :desc => N_("Description of variable")
param :validator_type, LookupKey::VALIDATOR_TYPES
param :validator_type, LookupKey::VALIDATOR_TYPES, :desc => N_("Types of validation values")
param :validator_rule, String, :desc => N_("Used to enforce certain values for the parameter values")
param :variable_type, LookupKey::KEY_TYPES
param :variable_type, LookupKey::KEY_TYPES, :desc => N_("Types of variable values")
param :merge_overrides, :bool, :desc => N_("Merge all matching values (only array/hash type)")
param :avoid_duplicates, :bool, :desc => N_("Remove duplicate values (only array type)")

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