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76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: administrator
8da68b88 Tomas Strachota
settings_type: string
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
description: The Default administrator email address
name: foreman_url
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
29eebabc Ohad Levy
description: The URL Foreman should point to in emails etc
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: root_pass
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: xybxa6JUkz63w
description: Default root password on provisioned hosts default is 123123
name: safemode_render
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
29eebabc Ohad Levy
default: "true"
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
description: Enable safe mode config templates rendinging(recommended)
name: ssl_certificate
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/
description: SSL Certificate path that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies
name: ssl_ca_file
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem
description: SSL CA file that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies
name: ssl_priv_key
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: /var/lib/puppet/ssl/private_keys/
description: SSL Private Key file that foreman would use to communicate with its proxies
name: puppet_interval
settings_type: integer
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
29eebabc Ohad Levy
default: 30
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: Setting::Puppet interval in minutes
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: default_puppet_environment
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: production
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "The Setting::Puppet environment foreman would default to in case it can't auto detect it"
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: modulepath
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: /etc/puppet/modules
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "The Setting::Puppet default module path in case that Foreman can't auto detect it"
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: document_root
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: /home/olevy/git/foreman/public/puppet/rdoc
description: Document root where puppetdoc files should be created
name: puppet_server
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
default: puppet
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: Default Setting::Puppet Server hostname
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
name: failed_report_email_notification
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
29eebabc Ohad Levy
default: "false"
76607ed5 Ohad Levy
description: Enable Email Alerts per each failed puppet report
9afa092e Ohad Levy
name: Default_variables_Lookup_Path
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
9afa092e Ohad Levy
default: ["fqdn", "hostgroup", "os", "domain"]
description: The Default path in which foreman resolves host specific variables
395eb615 Ohad Levy
name: manage_puppetca
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "true"
395eb615 Ohad Levy
description: Should Foreman manage host certificates when provisioning hosts
454fd3af Ohad Levy
name: entries_per_page
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
454fd3af Ohad Levy
default: 20
description: The amount of records shown per page in foreman
b187e885 Ohad Levy
name: update_environment_from_facts
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
fe6f8ab7 Ohad Levy
description: Foreman will update a hosts environment from its facts
d7bd2f22 Ohad Levy
name: idle_timeout
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
d7bd2f22 Ohad Levy
default: 5
description: idle timeout
fe6f8ab7 Ohad Levy
name: enc_environment
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "true"
fe6f8ab7 Ohad Levy
description: Should Foreman provide puppet environment in ENC yaml output? (this avoids the mismatch error between puppet.conf and ENC environment)
370a7ac7 Ohad Levy
name: use_uuid_for_certificates
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
370a7ac7 Ohad Levy
description: "Should Foreman use random UUID's for certificate signing instead of hostnames"
1f03a563 Ohad Levy
name: query_local_nameservers
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
1f03a563 Ohad Levy
description: "Should Foreman query the locally configured name server or the SOA/NS authorities"
50e78f00 cyberkov
name: remote_addr
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
50e78f00 cyberkov
default: "127.0.0"
description: "If Foreman is running behind Passenger or a remote loadbalancer, the ip should be set here"
7adf0ee3 Nacho Barrientos
name: authorize_login_delegation
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "Setting::Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable"
7adf0ee3 Nacho Barrientos
name: authorize_login_delegation_api
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "Setting::Authorize login delegation with REMOTE_USER environment variable for API calls"
f8d94608 Amos Benari
name: Parametrized_Classes_in_ENC
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "Should Foreman use the new format (2.6.5+) to answer Setting::Puppet in its ENC yaml output?"
81159d4b Greg Sutcliffe
name: token_duration
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Provisioning
81159d4b Greg Sutcliffe
default: 0
description: "Time in minutes installation tokens should be valid for, 0 to disable"
358ec5a3 Dominic Cleal
name: restrict_registered_puppetmasters
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "true"
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
description: "Only known Smart Proxies with the Setting::Puppet feature can access fact/report importers and ENC output"
358ec5a3 Dominic Cleal
name: require_ssl_puppetmasters
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "true"
358ec5a3 Dominic Cleal
description: "Client SSL certificates are used to identify Smart Proxies accessing fact/report importers and ENC output over HTTPS (:require_ssl should also be enabled)"
a79b633b Dominic Cleal
name: ssl_client_dn_env
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
a79b633b Dominic Cleal
default: "SSL_CLIENT_S_DN"
description: "Environment variable containing the subject DN from a client SSL certificate"
358ec5a3 Dominic Cleal
name: ssl_client_verify_env
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
358ec5a3 Dominic Cleal
description: "Environment variable containing the verification status of a client SSL certificate"
fd30481b Ohad Levy
name: remove_classes_not_in_environment
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Puppet
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: "false"
fd30481b Ohad Levy
description: "When Host and Hostgroup have different environments should all classes be included (regardless if they exists or not in the other environment)"
0323590f Dominic Cleal
name: trusted_puppetmaster_hosts
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
0323590f Dominic Cleal
default: []
description: "Hosts that will be trusted in addition to Smart Proxies for access to fact/report importers and ENC output"
d0a190b8 Bryan Kearney
name: use_gravatar
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::General
d0a190b8 Bryan Kearney
default: "true"
description: "Should Foreman use gravatar to display user icons"
4e7ea9b8 Marek Hulan
name: signo_sso
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
4e7ea9b8 Marek Hulan
default: "false"
description: "Use SSO"
name: signo_url
86007852 Greg Sutcliffe
category: Setting::Auth
4e7ea9b8 Marek Hulan
default: "https://localhost:3002"
description: "Where Signo runs"
0fda4cf6 Joseph Mitchell Magen
name: puppetrun
category: Setting::Puppet
default: "true"
description: "Enables Puppetrun Support"
554be427 Nacho Barrientos
name: create_new_host_when_facts_are_uploaded
category: Setting::Puppet
default: "true"
description: "Foreman will create the host when new facts are received"
8d10c655 Greg Sutcliffe
name: update_ip_from_built_request
category: Setting::Provisioning
default: "true"
description: "Should we use the originating IP of the built request to update the Host's IP?"
f5d4e70a Jeremy Kitchen
name: legacy_puppet_hostname
category: Setting::Puppet
default: "false"
description: "Foreman will truncate hostname to 'puppet' if it starts with puppet"