


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size
_filters.html.erb 1.62 KB
_form.html.erb 2.32 KB
_user_fact.html.erb 503 Bytes
edit.html.erb 61 Bytes
index.html.erb 1.08 KB
login.html.erb 463 Bytes
new.html.erb 60 Bytes

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
feacea35 04/02/2013 08:30 AM Amos Benari

upgrade foreman to rails 3.2.13

This commit updates from rails 3.0.x to 3.2.x, main changes include:

  • Asset pipline support
  • cleanup of existing assets (javascript, css, images)

Users who uses foreman in production, make sure that you now compile
your assets, e.g...

ab7baec6 03/11/2013 08:47 AM Bryan Kearney

Add gettext calls to the locations pages and the user pages.

These pages provide examples for using single translations:

_("Here is a simple")

single substitutions:

_("I like %s") % "pie"

and complex ones:

_("%{character"} should %{action}") % {:character => "Jar Jar Binks", :action => "be erased"}

69be1641 03/03/2013 12:52 PM Bryan Kearney

fixes #2269 - Add gettext framework to foreman.

This patch adds a gettext based localization framework to the Foreman. This is done by adding the fast_gettext and gettext_i18n_rails gems along with their depdencies. An example translation is done to the login page and the users controller....

08bea92e 01/08/2013 10:42 AM Amos Benari

add gravatar to users index

3f300fae 01/08/2013 10:42 AM Amos Benari

resize puppet calss form, parameter tab, left tabs size.

1702ffc6 01/08/2013 10:42 AM Amos Benari

added search puppet class parameters.

700ed6b9 01/02/2013 08:13 AM Amos Benari

reorg in the user and settings top menus.

611f5bff 11/28/2012 05:38 AM Amos Benari

Add organization and location to foreman.

This feature allows foreman to provide multi location, multi tenant and
multi organizations capablities.

the idea is that resources within foreman (e.g. hosts, subnets, users,
environments etc) can belong to one or more locations and organization,...

2f073cf5 10/31/2012 05:29 AM Amos Benari

fixed hat location on login screen.

29972d83 10/18/2012 08:48 AM Amos Benari

fix minor css classes declaration.

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