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<table class="table white-header <%= 'hidden' unless f.object.lookup_values.present? %>">
<th colspan='2' class='col-md-5'><%= _('Attribute type') %>
<span class="help-inline">
<%= popover("", _("Matcher is a combination of an attribute and its value, if they match, the value below would be provided.<br> You may use any attribute Foreman knows about, such as facts etc for example: <code> domain = </code> or <code> is_virtual = true</code>."),
:title => _("Explain matchers")).html_safe %>
<% if is_param %>
<th class='col-md-4'><%= _('Value') %></th>
<th class='col-md-2 ca'><%= _('Omit') %>
<span class="help-inline"> <%= omit_help %></span>
<% else %>
<th class='col-md-6'><%= _('Value') %></th>
<% end %>
<th><%= _('Actions') %></th>

<%= f.fields_for :lookup_values, f.object.sorted_values do |lookup_value| %>
<%= render 'lookup_keys/value', :f => lookup_value, :is_param => is_param, :is_template => false, :hidden_value => f.object.hidden_value? %>
<% end %>
<%= new_child_fields_template(f, :lookup_values, { :partial => "lookup_keys/value",
:form_builder_attrs => { :is_param => is_param, :is_template => true, :hidden_value => f.object.hidden_value? } }) %>
<%= add_child_link '+ ' + _("Add Matcher"), :lookup_values, { :title => _('add a new matcher') } %>