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# PRIVATE CLASS: do not call directly
class postgresql::server::config {
$ip_mask_deny_postgres_user = $postgresql::server::ip_mask_deny_postgres_user
$ip_mask_allow_all_users = $postgresql::server::ip_mask_allow_all_users
$listen_addresses = $postgresql::server::listen_addresses
$port = $postgresql::server::port
$ipv4acls = $postgresql::server::ipv4acls
$ipv6acls = $postgresql::server::ipv6acls
$pg_hba_conf_path = $postgresql::server::pg_hba_conf_path
$pg_ident_conf_path = $postgresql::server::pg_ident_conf_path
$postgresql_conf_path = $postgresql::server::postgresql_conf_path
$pg_hba_conf_defaults = $postgresql::server::pg_hba_conf_defaults
$user = $postgresql::server::user
$group = $postgresql::server::group
$version = $postgresql::server::version
$manage_pg_hba_conf = $postgresql::server::manage_pg_hba_conf
$manage_pg_ident_conf = $postgresql::server::manage_pg_hba_conf

if ($manage_pg_hba_conf == true) {
# Prepare the main pg_hba file
concat { $pg_hba_conf_path:
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0640',
warn => true,
notify => Class['postgresql::server::reload'],

if $pg_hba_conf_defaults {
Postgresql::Server::Pg_hba_rule {
database => 'all',
user => 'all',

# Lets setup the base rules
$local_auth_option = $version ? {
'8.1' => 'sameuser',
default => undef,
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access as postgres user':
type => 'local',
user => $user,
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '001',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'local access to database with same name':
type => 'local',
auth_method => 'ident',
auth_option => $local_auth_option,
order => '002',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow localhost TCP access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => '',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '003',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'deny access to postgresql user':
type => 'host',
user => $user,
address => $ip_mask_deny_postgres_user,
auth_method => 'reject',
order => '004',

# ipv4acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv4acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv4acls,
'ipv4acls', 10)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv4acl_resources)

postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to all users':
type => 'host',
address => $ip_mask_allow_all_users,
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '100',
postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule { 'allow access to ipv6 localhost':
type => 'host',
address => '::1/128',
auth_method => 'md5',
order => '101',

# ipv6acls are passed as an array of rule strings, here we transform
# them into a resources hash, and pass the result to create_resources
$ipv6acl_resources = postgresql_acls_to_resources_hash($ipv6acls,
'ipv6acls', 102)
create_resources('postgresql::server::pg_hba_rule', $ipv6acl_resources)

# We must set a "listen_addresses" line in the postgresql.conf if we
# want to allow any connections from remote hosts.
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'listen_addresses':
value => $listen_addresses,
postgresql::server::config_entry { 'port':
value => $port,

# RedHat-based systems hardcode some PG* variables in the init script, and need to be overriden
# in /etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql. Create a blank file so we can manage it with augeas later.
if ($::osfamily == 'RedHat') and ($::operatingsystemrelease !~ /^7/) and ($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora') {
file { '/etc/sysconfig/pgsql/postgresql':
ensure => present,
replace => false,

if ($manage_pg_ident_conf == true) {
concat { $pg_ident_conf_path:
owner => $user,
group => $group,
force => true, # do not crash if there is no pg_ident_rules
mode => '0640',
warn => true,
notify => Class['postgresql::server::reload'],