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# Default parameters
class puppet::params {

include foreman::params

# Basic config
$version = 'present'
$user = 'puppet'
$group = 'puppet'
$dir = '/etc/puppet'
$port = 8140
$listen = false
$pluginsync = true
$splay = false
$splaylimit = '1800'
$runinterval = '1800'
$runmode = 'service'
$cron_cmd = undef
$agent_noop = false
$show_diff = false
$configtimeout = 120
$usecacheonfailure = true
$ca_server = ''
$dns_alt_names = []
$classfile = '$vardir/classes.txt'
$hiera_config = '$confdir/hiera.yaml'

# Need your own config templates? Specify here:
$main_template = 'puppet/puppet.conf.erb'
$agent_template = 'puppet/agent/puppet.conf.erb'
$auth_template = 'puppet/auth.conf.erb'
$nsauth_template = 'puppet/namespaceauth.conf.erb'

# Allow any to the CRL. Needed in case of puppet CA proxy
$allow_any_crl_auth = false

# Will this host be a puppet agent ?
$agent = true

# Custom puppetmaster
$puppetmaster = $::puppetmaster

# Will this host be a puppetmaster?
$server = false
$server_vardir = '/var/lib/puppet'
$server_ca = true
$server_reports = 'foreman'
$server_passenger = true
$server_service_fallback = true
$server_passenger_max_pool = 12
$server_httpd_service = 'httpd'
$server_external_nodes = '/etc/puppet/node.rb'
$server_enc_api = 'v2'
$server_report_api = 'v2'
$server_ca_proxy = ''
$server_certname = $::clientcert
$server_strict_variables = false

# Need a new master template for the server?
$server_template = 'puppet/server/puppet.conf.erb'

# The script that is run to determine the reported manifest version. Undef
# means we determine it in server.pp
$server_config_version = undef

# Set 'false' for static environments, or 'true' for git-based workflow
$server_git_repo = false
# Git branch to puppet env mapping for the post receive hook
$server_git_branch_map = {}

# Static environments config, ignore if the git_repo or dynamic_environments is 'true'
# What environments do we have
$server_environments = ['development', 'production']
# Dynamic environments config (deprecated when directory_environments is true)
$server_dynamic_environments = false
# Directory environments config
$server_directory_environments = versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.6.0') >= 0
# Owner of the environments dir: for cases external service needs write
# access to manage it.
$server_environments_owner = $user
$server_environments_group = 'root'
$server_environments_mode = '0755'
# Where we store our puppet environments
$server_envs_dir = "${dir}/environments"
# Where remains our manifests dir
$server_manifest_path = "${dir}/manifests"
# Modules in this directory would be shared across all environments
$server_common_modules_path = ["${server_envs_dir}/common", "${dir}/modules", '/usr/share/puppet/modules']

# Dynamic environments config, ignore if the git_repo is 'false'
# Path to the repository
$server_git_repo_path = "${server_vardir}/puppet.git"
# Override these if you need your own hooks
$server_post_hook_content = 'puppet/server/post-receive.erb'
$server_post_hook_name = 'post-receive'

# Do you use storeconfigs? (note: not required)
# - undef if you don't
# - active_record for 2.X style db
# - puppetdb for puppetdb
$server_storeconfigs_backend = undef

# Passenger config
$server_app_root = "${dir}/rack"
$server_ssl_dir = "${server_vardir}/ssl"

$server_package = $::operatingsystem ? {
/(Debian|Ubuntu)/ => ['puppetmaster-common','puppetmaster'],
default => ['puppet-server'],
$client_package = $::operatingsystem ? {
/(Debian|Ubuntu)/ => ['puppet-common','puppet'],
default => ['puppet'],

# Only use 'puppet cert' on versions where puppetca no longer exists
if versioncmp($::puppetversion, '3.0') < 0 {
$puppetca_path = '/usr/sbin'
$puppetca_bin = 'puppetca'
$puppetrun_cmd = '/usr/sbin/puppetrun'
} else {
$puppetca_path = '/usr/bin'
$puppetca_bin = 'puppet cert'
$puppetrun_cmd = '/usr/bin/puppet kick'

$puppetca_cmd = "${puppetca_path}/${puppetca_bin}"

# Puppet service name
$service_name = 'puppet'