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Revision 63afa801

Added by Brad Buckingham about 10 years ago

fixes #4409 - rename the id used for the content menu

For some reason, using 'content' as the id for the Content menu
was resulting in breakage in behavior for foreman's two-pane

Without this change, the following would occur:
- User goes to a page, clicks 'New <object>' (e.g.
Architecture, Environment, User...)
- panel opens with form to allow user to enter
data for the object
- User clicks submit
- At this point, the form is submitted to the server
and the object is created; however, the form is never
closed and the list of objects is not updated.

View differences:

Foreman::Plugin.register :katello do
requires_foreman '> 1.3'
sub_menu :top_menu, :content, :caption => N_('Content'), :after => :monitor_menu do
sub_menu :top_menu, :content_menu, :caption => N_('Content'), :after => :monitor_menu do
menu :top_menu,
:caption => N_('Lifecycle Environments'),
:action => 'all'},
:engine => Katello::Engine
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu
menu :top_menu,
:caption => N_('Red Hat Repositories'),
:action => 'all'},
:engine => Katello::Engine
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu
menu :top_menu,
:caption => N_('Sync Status'),
:action => 'all'},
:engine => Katello::Engine
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu
menu :top_menu,
:caption => N_('Content View Definitions'),
:action => 'index'},
:engine => Katello::Engine
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content
divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu
menu :top_menu,
:caption => N_('Changeset Management'),

Also available in: Unified diff