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Revision a02ea99b

Added by Brad Buckingham almost 10 years ago

fixes #7019 / BZ 1128473 - content search - change to eliminate errors with ambiguous 'id'

This commit is to update a few queries that use 'pluck' to be explicit
on the table that the attribute (id) is being plucked from. Without them
the user can experience errors like:

Processing by Katello::ContentSearchController#packages as */*
Parameters: {"repos"=>{"autocomplete"=>[{"id"=>"13", "name"=>"samrepo"}]}, "packages"=>{"search"=>""}, "content_type"=>"packages", "mode"=>"all", "environments"=>[2], "content_search"=>{"repos"=>{"autocomplete"=>[{"id"=>"13", "name"=>"samrepo"}]}, "packages"=>{"search"=>""}, "content_type"=>"packages", "mode"=>"all", "environments"=>[2]}}
PGError: ERROR: column reference "id" is ambiguous
LINE 1: SELECT id FROM "katello_repositories" INNER JOIN "katello_co...
: SELECT id FROM "katello_repositories" INNER JOIN "katello_content_view_versions" ON "katello_content_view_versions"."id" = "katello_repositories"."content_view_version_id" WHERE "katello_content_view_versions"."content_view_id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 6) ORDER BY ASC (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)

View differences:

# parent_repo the library repo instance (or the parent row)
# spanned_repos all other instances of repos across all environments
def spanning_content_rows(view, content_list, id_prefix, parent_repo, spanned_repos)
env_ids = KTEnvironment.content_readable(current_organization).pluck(:id)
env_ids = KTEnvironment.content_readable(current_organization).pluck("#{Katello::KTEnvironment.table_name}.id")
to_ret = []
content_list.each do |item|
# repos were searched by string
if repo_ids.is_a? Array
ids = ContentView.readable_repositories(repo_ids).pluck(:id)
ids += Product.readable_repositories(repo_ids).pluck(:id)
ids = ContentView.readable_repositories(repo_ids).pluck("#{Katello::Repository.table_name}.id")
ids += Product.readable_repositories(repo_ids).pluck("#{Katello::Repository.table_name}.id")
repo_ids = ids
search_string = repo_ids

Also available in: Unified diff