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# Manage a Candlepin server
# @param oauth_key
# The OAuth key for talking to the candlepin API
# @param oauth_secret
# The OAuth secret for talking to the candlepin API
# @param manage_db
# Whether a database should be installed, this includes db creation and user
# @param init_db
# Whether a database should be initialised.
# @param db_type
# The type of database Candlepin will be connecting too.
# @param db_host
# Hostname of database server.
# @param db_port
# Port the database listens on. Only needs to be provided if different from
# standard port of the :db_type.
# @param db_ssl
# Boolean indicating if the connection to the database should be over an SSL
# connection.
# @param db_ssl_verify
# Boolean indicating if the SSL connection to the database should be verified
# @param db_ssl_ca
# The CA certificate to verify the SSL connection to the database with
# @param db_name
# The name of the Candlepin database
# @param db_user
# The Candlepin database username
# @param db_password
# The Candlepin database password
# @param user_groups
# The user groups for the Candlepin tomcat user
# @param log_dir
# Directory for Candlepin logs
# @param loggers
# Set the log levels for loggers
# @param env_filtering_enabled
# If subscription filtering is done on a per environment basis
# @param keystore_file
# Tomcat keystore file to use
# @param keystore_password
# Password for keystore being used with Tomcat
# @param keystore_type
# Keystore type
# @param truststore_file
# Truststore file to use for Tomcat and Artemis
# @param truststore_password
# Password for truststore being used with Tomcat and Artemis
# @param ca_key
# CA key file to use
# @param ca_cert
# CA certificate file to use
# @param ca_key_password
# CA key password
# @param ciphers
# Allowed ciphers for ssl connection
# @param tls_versions
# Allowed versions of TLS, for example 1.1, 1.2, etc
# @param version
# Version of Candlepin to install
# @param java_package
# Use in conjunction with java_home to specify the JVM used by Tomcat
# @param adapter_module
# Candlepin adapter implementations to inject into the java runtime
# @param enable_basic_auth
# Whether to enable HTTP basic auth
# @param enable_trusted_auth
# Whether to enable trusted auth
# @param consumer_system_name_pattern
# Regex that consistutes a valid consumer name
# @param enable_hbm2ddl_validate
# If true will perform a schema check to ensure compliance with the models.
# Disabling this feature may be required if modifications are required to schema
# @param ssl_port
# Port to deploy SSL enabled Tomcat server on
# @param host
# Host to deploy Tomcat server on; defaults to localhost
# @param candlepin_conf_file
# Configuration file location for candlepin
# @param tomcat_base
# In new-style instances, if CATALINA_BASE isn't specified, it will be
# constructed by joining TOMCATS_BASE and NAME.
# @param tomcat_conf
# Where your the tomcat configuration lives
# @param java_home
# Where your java installation lives
# @param catalina_home
# Where your tomcat installation lives
# @param catalina_tmpdir
# System-wide tmp
# @param java_opts
# Java Parameters
# @param lang
# Tomcat locale setting
# @param security_manager
# Run tomcat under the Java Security Manager
# @param shutdown_wait
# Time to wait in seconds, before killing process
# @param expired_pools_schedule
# Quartz schedule notation for how often to run the ExpiredPoolsJob
# @param artemis_port
# Port to expose Artemis on
# @param artemis_host
# Host address to have Artemis listen on; defaults to localhost
# @param artemis_client_dn
# Full DN for the client certificate used to talk to Artemis
# @param broker_config_file
# Config file for Artemis
# @param user
# User under which Candlepin will run
# @param group
# Primary group for the Candlepin user
# @param disable_fips
# Disable FIPS within the Java environment for Tomcat explicitly.
# When set to false, no flag is added. Then on FIPS enabled systems, a Candlepin build that supports FIPS is required.
# @param db_manage_on_startup
# How to manage database migrations on startup.
# @example Set debug logging
# class { 'candlepin':
# loggers => {
# 'org.candlepin' => 'DEBUG',
# },
# }
class candlepin (
Boolean $manage_db = true,
Boolean $init_db = true,
Enum['postgresql','mysql'] $db_type = 'postgresql',
Stdlib::Host $db_host = 'localhost',
Optional[Stdlib::Port] $db_port = undef,
Boolean $db_ssl = false,
Boolean $db_ssl_verify = true,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $db_ssl_ca = undef,
String $db_name = 'candlepin',
String $db_user = 'candlepin',
Variant[Sensitive[String], String] $db_password = $candlepin::params::db_password,
Variant[Array[String], String] $user_groups = [],
Stdlib::Absolutepath $log_dir = '/var/log/candlepin',
Hash[String[1], Candlepin::LogLevel] $loggers = {},
Variant[Sensitive[String], String] $oauth_key = 'candlepin',
Variant[Sensitive[String], String] $oauth_secret = 'candlepin',
Boolean $env_filtering_enabled = true,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $keystore_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/keystore',
Optional[Variant[Sensitive[String], String]] $keystore_password = undef,
String $keystore_type = 'PKCS12',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $truststore_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/truststore',
Optional[Variant[Sensitive[String], String]] $truststore_password = undef,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ca_key = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.key',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ca_cert = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt',
Optional[Variant[Sensitive[String], String]] $ca_key_password = undef,
Array[String] $ciphers = $candlepin::params::ciphers,
Array[String] $tls_versions = ['1.2'],
Optional[String[1]] $java_package = undef,
String $version = 'present',
Optional[String] $adapter_module = undef,
Boolean $enable_hbm2ddl_validate = true,
Boolean $enable_basic_auth = true,
Boolean $enable_trusted_auth = false,
Optional[String] $consumer_system_name_pattern = undef,
Stdlib::Port $ssl_port = 8443,
Stdlib::Host $host = 'localhost',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $candlepin_conf_file = '/etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $tomcat_base = '/var/lib/tomcats/',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $tomcat_conf = '/etc/tomcat',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $java_home = '/usr/lib/jvm/jre',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $catalina_home = '/usr/share/tomcat',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $catalina_tmpdir = '/var/cache/tomcat/temp',
String $java_opts = '-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m',
Optional[String] $lang = undef,
Boolean $security_manager = false,
Optional[Integer[0]] $shutdown_wait = undef,
String $expired_pools_schedule = '0 0 0 * * ?',
Stdlib::Host $artemis_host = 'localhost',
Stdlib::Port $artemis_port = 61613,
Variant[Deferred, String] $artemis_client_dn = 'CN=ActiveMQ Artemis Client, OU=Artemis, O=ActiveMQ, L=AMQ, ST=AMQ, C=AMQ',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $broker_config_file = '/etc/candlepin/broker.xml',
String $user = 'tomcat',
String $group = 'tomcat',
Boolean $disable_fips = true,
Enum['None', 'Report', 'Halt', 'Manage'] $db_manage_on_startup = 'Manage',
) inherits candlepin::params {
contain candlepin::service

$_ca_key_password = if $ca_key_password =~ String { Sensitive($ca_key_password) } else { $ca_key_password }
$_oauth_key = if $oauth_key =~ String { Sensitive($oauth_key) } else { $oauth_key }
$_oauth_secret = if $oauth_secret =~ String { Sensitive($oauth_secret) } else { $oauth_secret }
$_db_password = if $db_password =~ String { Sensitive($db_password) } else { $db_password }
$_keystore_password = if $keystore_password =~ String { Sensitive($keystore_password) } else { $keystore_password }
$_truststore_password = if $truststore_password =~ String { Sensitive($truststore_password) } else { $truststore_password }

Anchor <| title == 'candlepin::repo' |> ->
class { 'candlepin::install': } ~>
class { 'candlepin::config': } ~>
class { 'candlepin::artemis': } ~>
class { "candlepin::database::${candlepin::db_type}": } ~>