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Revision c02b224e

Added by Alex Fisher almost 6 years ago

Massively speed up providers and fix timeouts

In my environment, `get_repo_info` was failing with...

Error: Failed to apply catalog: https request threw exception Net::ReadTimeout. Connection details: url=,cert_path=/root/.pulp/user-cert.pem.

`details=True` can be very slow. It causes huge amounts of processing
and we don't use the results. Using `?distributors=True&importers=True`
instead is much faster.

I've got repos where `?distributors=True&importers=True` returns in around
a second whilst `details=True` took > 4 minutes (testing the REST API
manually with curl).

The returned json (for an RPM repo) is missing just 2 fields compared to
`details=True`. These are:

  • `locally_stored_units`
  • `total_repository_units`


This change has been tested with `pulp_rpmrepo` only, but I think should
also be fine with the two other providers (`pulp_isorepo` and

My puppet runs had started failing most times, and sucessful runs were
taking around 10 minutes. After this fix, puppet runs are now less than
a minute.

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