



From 08/10/2015 to 09/08/2015


12:23 PM Feature #11735 (New): As a user, I want foreman-installer to provide a scenario for installing a smart-proxy
This is an enhancement to leverage the Kafo changes provided by to suppor... Brad Buckingham
08:45 AM Bug #11726 (Need more information): Installer --foreman-proxy-puppet-ssl-* flags applied to wrong settings file
I think you may be confusing two different sets of configuration options.
--foreman-proxy-ssl-* are used in settin...
Dominic Cleal
08:39 AM Bug #11726 (Rejected): Installer --foreman-proxy-puppet-ssl-* flags applied to wrong settings file
Foreman-installer only applies --foreman-proxy-ssl-ca, --foreman-proxy-ssl-cert and/or --foreman-proxy-ssl-key to /et... Tom Verdaat


03:02 AM Bug #11681 (Closed): foreman, candlepin, gutterball databases use default encoding vs explicit UTF8
Dominic Cleal


03:11 PM Bug #11681 (Closed): foreman, candlepin, gutterball databases use default encoding vs explicit UTF8
Cloned from
Description of problem:
It appears when we crea...
Ivan Necas


06:52 AM Bug #11655 (Closed): DNS configuration for smart proxy split into per-provider configs
#7008 split the smart proxy DNS configuration into per-provider configuration files and also changed settings such as... Dominic Cleal
05:08 AM Bug #11652 (Closed): Foreman installer sets Apache2 SSLCACertificatePath to system Trust Store
The SSLCACertificatePath of the foreman ssl and puppet master vhost is set to the System Trust Store.
On debian this...
Arnd Hannemann


01:49 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
On https://<fqdn>/smart_proxies I have attempted to create proxy per
Jan Hutař


09:21 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Does the smart proxy register if you do it now, manually? (since it now says foreman-proxy (pid 10918) is running...) Dominic Cleal
09:13 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
OK, did 10 installs and 9th failed (10th still running).
On the failed system:...
Jan Hutař
03:41 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
/var/log/foreman-proxy/access.log is empty and proxy.log only have this:
# Logfile created on Mon Aug 17 16:49:18 ...
Jan Hutař
03:09 AM Bug #11331 (Need more information): foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Can you attach the foreman-proxy log? Is the service running after the installer has run? If not, test it and check... Dominic Cleal
02:40 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
And katello-installer.log from same run as in comment #15 above Jan Hutař
02:33 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Encountered it again. Attaching production.log. Jan Hutař


06:01 AM Bug #11331 (New): foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Sure, will reopen. I thought the initial failure and cause was being ignored.
The refresh method could certainly ...
Dominic Cleal
04:24 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
I asked Jan to fill this bug because I believe it is not correct to try to call refresh when it's clear that id canno... Lukas Zapletal
03:03 AM Bug #11331 (Rejected): foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Ok, closing. If you can reproduce it on a current 1.9 or nightly release you should see a clearer error message. On... Dominic Cleal


05:12 PM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Dominic Cleal wrote:
> The refresh/notify is irrelevant, given that it failed to set the ensure property, so the pro...
Jan Hutař
11:05 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
It does now (#10466), but I suspect that this pre-dates that feature. Dominic Cleal
11:03 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
This error tends to be one of the biggest misnomers out there, because if it reaches this step and the server throws ... Eric Helms
08:08 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Sure, but that's because it failed to register the smart proxy. See the first error message:
Dominic Cleal
08:05 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
I mean, this error is likely from apipie bindings. I think 'id' is set to nil. Lukas Zapletal
08:04 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Dominic, the error message is present in the logs. It reads: "missing param 'id' in parameters". This happens when yo... Lukas Zapletal
05:23 AM Bug #11331 (Need more information): foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
The refresh/notify is irrelevant, given that it failed to set the ensure property, so the proxy isn't even registered... Dominic Cleal
04:20 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
It happens randomly, not everytime, right. Lukas Zapletal
04:19 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
I *think* something calls notify before proxy resource was created:
Lukas Zapletal
04:14 AM Bug #11331: foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
Just for a record:... Jan Hutař
03:59 AM Bug #11331 (Resolved): foreman_smartproxy: failed to call refresh: missing param 'id' in parameters after ensure failure
... Jan Hutař

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