


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size
170104152429-add-discovery.rb 54 Bytes
170109180612-dhcp_range_cant_be_false.rb 181 Bytes
180111142132-foreman_proxy_autosignfile.rb 270 Bytes
180702133937-set-puppet-integration-answer.rb 250 Bytes
180813131441-unmanage-puppet-group.rb 205 Bytes
180829115142_change_rex_ssh_dir.rb 455 Bytes
180914180308-move-certs-tar-answer.rb 320 Bytes
181012141418-qdrouterd-listen-ipv6.rb 180 Bytes
181213211252-merged-installer.rb 814 Bytes
190111131058-reset-puppetserver-versions.rb 430 Bytes
190111180118-delete-removed-settings.rb 1.56 KB
190312182008-remove-pulp-child-tasks.rb 176 Bytes
190318130000-migrate-hiera-config.rb 169 Bytes
190626145114-add-smart-proxy-remote-isc-plugin.rb 61 Bytes
190710195757-force_no_prefix_false.rb 52 Bytes
191122200809-drop-pulp-master-param.rb 103 Bytes
191218160614-update-hook-dirs.rb 208 Bytes
200616155948-disable-pulp-3-proxying.rb 466 Bytes
200630000120-disable-pulp-2-el8.rb 425 Bytes
200818160950-remove_tuning_fact.rb 148 Bytes
201217175955-stricter-ciphers.rb 235 Bytes
20201014164531_verbose_by-default.rb 66 Bytes
20201224125100_ansible_ssh_args.rb 294 Bytes
20210304102446_add_proxy_shellhooks_plugin.rb 55 Bytes
20210729084840-add-proxy-acd-plugin.rb 48 Bytes
210112194603-enable-pulp3-content-proxy.rb 617 Bytes
210331121715-clear-puppetserver-nil-metrics.rb 152 Bytes
210407174237-add-puppet-reserved-code-cache.rb 873 Bytes
210415180240-enable-katello-agent.rb 224 Bytes
210726184347-clear-puppet-server-ssl-chain-filepath.rb 359 Bytes
210802145222-reset-foreman-proxy-httpboot-undef.rb 289 Bytes
211020223805-add-proxy-host-reports.rb 52 Bytes
211108174119-disable-registration-without-templates.rb 383 Bytes
220127140752-enable-pulp-content-cache.rb 187 Bytes
220204223518-puppet-multiple-env-paths.rb 250 Bytes
220411132130-rename-rex-ssh-rex-script.rb 194 Bytes
220707075153-add_salt_params_on_proxy.rb 49 Bytes
220804181233-drop-katello-hook-dirs.rb 28 Bytes
220826141649-drop-host-reports-plugin.rb 338 Bytes
221031100739-drop-chef-proxy-plugin.rb 46 Bytes

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
000c323c 11/03/2022 10:44 AM Evgeni Golov

drop chef plugin

77a231a6 08/30/2022 10:25 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #35440 - Drop host reports plugin

This plugin is discontinued and has been removed from the repositories since it was broken.

9f597913 08/04/2022 08:05 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #35149 - Remove katello hook dirs

In 10a30ba937f8e4c4cbbad889a05e3f5a8965eaf5 the top level directory
katello was removed. This means the hook_dirs entry is no longer needed.
It also means the directory no longer needs to be copied during

012257da 07/07/2022 09:16 AM Markus Bucher

Fixes #31502 - Add salt-plugin to proxy-answers

34490515 06/28/2022 04:42 PM Eric Helms

Drop EL7 support

de6ca1ed 04/21/2022 12:46 AM Eric Helms

Refs #34758: Match rename of remote_execution::ssh to remote_execution::script

42b105ed 02/05/2022 07:18 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Change puppet::server_envs_dir to Array data type

4155c66f 02/02/2022 05:33 PM Justin Sherrill

Fixes #34325 - enable pulp content cache by default

3e71b16c 11/09/2021 04:58 PM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Refs #33864 - Disable registration on upgrades

In Foreman 3.1 the registration module requires templates where it
previously worked standalone.

In a Foreman or Katello scenario the registration module doesn't make
sense since the clients can connect directly to a Foreman, which makes...

b75531bc 11/01/2021 06:46 PM Oleh Fedorenko

Fixes #33760 - Add host_reports plugins

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