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# This class is called from the foreman install script (or Vagrantfile)
# and expects a yaml file to exist at either:
# optional $answers class parameter
# $modulepath/foreman_installer/answers.yaml
# /etc/foreman_installer/answers.yaml
class foreman_installer(
$answers = undef
) {

if empty($::fqdn) {
fail ("An FQDN is required for Foreman to install cleanly. Please ensure 'facter fqdn' returns the correct value before running this installer")


foreman_installer::yaml_to_class { ['foreman', 'foreman_proxy', 'puppet']: }

# Keep a more user-friendly name in the answers file
foreman_installer::yaml_to_class { 'puppetmaster': classname => 'puppet::server' }
