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4ae4bf06 Evgeni Golov
# Contributing

## Filing and Fixing Issues

2e5fe3ca Christopher Brown
All issues are tracked using [Redmine](

Where relevant, the first line of a commit message should reference the
associated Redmine issue to permit automation to work correctly, for example:

`Fixes #31387 - Drop TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 from Apache`

There are two types of issues that may arise:
4ae4bf06 Evgeni Golov
* A bug within an individual module
* A bug within the hooks or scripts of the installer

### Module Bugs

For bugs found within an individual module, the following needs doing:

* A bug should be filed under the "Foreman modules" or the "External modules" categories, depending on the module being owned by the Foreman or a third party (see the Puppetfile for a list of modules and their locations)
* Fix and open a PR against the module itself
* Once the fix is available within the module, follow the *Updating Packages* section and open a PR with the updates

### Installer Bugs

For bugs found within the hooks, config, answer or script files, please do the following:

* Open a Redmine issues describing the problem
* Fix and open a PR against the installer

## Updating Packages

This repository uses the gems librarian and librarian-puppet to handle the dependent
puppet modules.

gem install librarian librarian-puppet puppet
librarian-puppet update

## Releasing a new version

To release a new version:
* pin module versions in Puppetfile
* ensure puppet4 is installed on your system via yum/rpm
* if you've got rvm installed: `rvm use system`
* run:
bundle install
rake pkg:generate_source
* copy the generated source in ./pkg/ to