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# Candlepin params
# @api private
class candlepin::params {
$ssl_port = 8443
$host = 'localhost'

$manage_db = true
$init_db = true
$db_type = 'postgresql'
$db_host = 'localhost'
$db_user = 'candlepin'
$db_name = 'candlepin'
$db_port = undef
$db_ssl = false
$db_ssl_verify = true

# this comes from keystore
$db_password = extlib::cache_data('foreman_cache_data', 'candlepin_db_password', extlib::random_password(32))

$keystore_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/keystore'
$keystore_password = undef
$keystore_type = 'PKCS12'
$truststore_file = '/etc/candlepin/certs/keystore'
$truststore_password = undef

$amq_enable = false
$amqp_keystore_password = undef
$amqp_truststore_password = undef
$amqp_keystore = '/etc/candlepin/certs/amqp/candlepin.jks'
$amqp_truststore = '/etc/candlepin/certs/amqp/candlepin.truststore'

# where to store output from cpsetup execution
$log_dir = '/var/log/candlepin'

$crl_file = '/var/lib/candlepin/candlepin-crl.crl'

$oauth_key = 'candlepin'
$oauth_secret = 'candlepin'

$ca_key = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.key'
$ca_cert = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt'
$ca_key_password = undef

# default to run every 24 hours
$expired_pools_schedule = '0 0 0 * * ?'

# default to disabling the task
$certificate_revocation_list_task_schedule='0 0 0 1 1 ?'

$user_groups = []

$env_filtering_enabled = true

$qpid_hostname = 'localhost'
$qpid_ssl_port = 5671
$qpid_ssl_cert = undef
$qpid_ssl_key = undef

$ciphers = [

$tls_versions = [

$version = 'present'
$wget_version = 'present'
$run_init = false
$adapter_module = undef
$enable_hbm2ddl_validate = true

$enable_basic_auth = true
$enable_trusted_auth = false

$consumer_system_name_pattern = undef

$candlepin_conf_file = '/etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf'

$manage_repo = false
$repo_version = 'nightly'
$repo_yumcode = "el${facts['os']['release']['major']}"
$repo_gpgcheck = false
$repo_gpgkey = undef

# tomcat.conf paramaters
$tomcat_base = '/var/lib/tomcats/'
$java_home = '/usr/lib/jvm/jre'
$catalina_home = '/usr/share/tomcat'
$catalina_tmpdir = '/var/cache/tomcat/temp'
$java_opts = '-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m'
$lang = undef
$security_manager = false
$shutdown_wait = undef