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Revision d303f9f3

Added by Stephen Benjamin over 7 years ago

Change existing Kafo type definitions to Puppet 4 types (#58)

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- manifests/init.pp
require 'kafo_module_lint/tasks' do |config|
config.pattern = []
config.pattern = ["manifests/init.pp"]
task :default => [:validate, :lint, :spec]
# == Parameters:
# $oauth_key:: The oauth key for talking to the candlepin API;
# default 'candlepin'
# $oauth_key:: The OAuth key for talking to the candlepin API
# type:String
# $oauth_secret:: The oauth secret for talking to the candlepin API;
# default 'candlepin'
# $oauth_secret:: The OAuth secret for talking to the candlepin API
# type:String
# $manage_db:: Boolean indicating if a database should be installed and configured.
# Set false if database is hosted on dedicated server.
# default true
# $manage_db:: Whether a database should be installed and configured.
# type:Boolean
# $db_type:: The type of database Candlepin will be connecting too.
# options ['postgresql','mysql']
# default postgresql
# type:Enum['postgresql','mysql']
# $db_host:: url of database server.
# default localhost
# $db_host:: Hostname of database server.
# type:String
# $db_port:: port the database listens on. Only needs to be provided if different
# $db_port:: Port the database listens on. Only needs to be provided if different
# from standard port of the :db_type.
# ex. mysql will default to 3306 and postgresql will default to 5432.
# type:Optional[Integer[0, 65535]]
# $db_name:: The name of the Candlepin database;
# default 'candlepin'
# $db_name:: The name of the Candlepin database
# type:String
# $db_user:: The Candlepin database username;
# default 'candlepin'
# $db_user:: The Candlepin database username
# type:String
# $db_password:: The Candlepin database password;
# default 'candlepin'
# $db_password:: The Candlepin database password
# type:String
# $tomcat:: The system tomcat to use
# $tomcat:: The system tomcat to use, tomcat6 on RHEL6 and tomcat on most Fedoras
# type:Enum['tomcat', 'tomcat6']
# $crl_file:: The Certificate Revocation File for Candlepin
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $user_groups:: The user groups for the Candlepin tomcat user
# type:Array
# $log_dir:: Directory for Candlepin logs;
# default '/var/log/candlepin'
# $log_dir:: Directory for Candlepin logs
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $deployment_url:: The root URL to deploy the Web and API URLs at
# type:Stdlib::HTTPUrl
# $weburl:: The Candlepin Web URL which is configurable via the deployment_url
# type:Stdlib::HTTPUrl
# $apiurl:: The Candlepin API URL which is configurable via the deployment_url
# type:Stdlib::HTTPUrl
# $env_filtering_enabled:: If subscription filtering is done on a per environment basis
# type:Boolean
# $thumbslug_enabled:: If using Thumbslug; default 'false'
# $thumbslug_enabled:: If using Thumbslug
# type:Boolean
# $thumbslug_oauth_key:: The oauth key for talking to Thumbslug
# $thumbslug_oauth_key:: The OAuth key for talking to Thumbslug
# type:String
# $thumbslug_oauth_secret:: The oauth secret for talking to Thumbslug
# $thumbslug_oauth_secret:: The OAuth secret for talking to Thumbslug
# type:String
# $keystore_file:: Tomcat keystore file to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $keystore_password:: Password for keystore being used with Tomcat
# type:String
# $keystore_type:: Keystore type
# type:String
# $truststore_file:: Tomcat truststore file to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $truststore_password:: Password for truststore being used with Tomcat
# type:String
# $ca_key:: CA key file to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $ca_cert:: CA certificate file to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $ca_key_password:: CA key password
# type:String
# $version:: Version of Candlepin to install
# Defaults to present
# type:String
# $wget_version:: Passed to the wget package.
# Defaults to present
# $wget_version:: Version of wget to install
# type:String
# $run_init:: Boolean indicating if the init api should be called on Candlepin
# $run_init:: If the init api should be called on Candlepin
# type:Boolean
# $adapter_module:: Candlepin adapter implementations to inject into the java runtime
# type:String
# $amq_enable:: Boolean indicating if amq should be enabled and configured
# $amq_enable:: If amq should be enabled and configured
# type:Boolean
# $amqp_keystore:: Location of the amqp keystore to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $amqp_keystore_password:: Password for the amqp keystore
# type:String
# $amqp_truststore:: Location of the amqp truststore to use
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
# $amqp_truststore_password:: Password for the amqp trusture
# type:String
# $consumer_system_name_pattern:: Regex that consistutes a valid consumer name
# type:String
# $enable_hbm2ddl_validate:: Boolean that if true will perform a schema check to ensure compliance
# with the models, otherwise false will disable this check. Disabling
# this feature may be required if modifications are required to the schema.
# default is true
# $enable_hbm2ddl_validate:: If true will perform a schema check to ensure compliance with the models.
# Disabling this feature may be required if modifications are required to
# the schema.
# type:Boolean
# $ssl_port:: Port to deploy SSL enabled Tomcat server on
# type:Integer[0, 65535]
# $candlepin_conf_file:: Configuration file location for candlepin
# type:Stdlib::Absolutepath
class candlepin (
$manage_db = $candlepin::params::manage_db,
$db_type = $candlepin::params::db_type,
$db_host = $candlepin::params::db_host,
$db_port = $candlepin::params::db_port,
$db_name = $candlepin::params::db_name,
$db_user = $candlepin::params::db_user,
$db_password = $candlepin::params::db_password,
$manage_db = $candlepin::params::manage_db,
$db_type = $candlepin::params::db_type,
$db_host = $candlepin::params::db_host,
$db_port = $candlepin::params::db_port,
$db_name = $candlepin::params::db_name,
$db_user = $candlepin::params::db_user,
$db_password = $candlepin::params::db_password,
$tomcat = $candlepin::params::tomcat,
$tomcat = $candlepin::params::tomcat,
$crl_file = $candlepin::params::crl_file,
$crl_file = $candlepin::params::crl_file,
$user_groups = $candlepin::params::user_groups,
$user_groups = $candlepin::params::user_groups,
$log_dir = $candlepin::params::log_dir,
$log_dir = $candlepin::params::log_dir,
$oauth_key = $candlepin::params::oauth_key,
$oauth_secret = $candlepin::params::oauth_secret,
$oauth_key = $candlepin::params::oauth_key,
$oauth_secret = $candlepin::params::oauth_secret,
$deployment_url = $candlepin::params::deployment_url,
$deployment_url = $candlepin::params::deployment_url,
$env_filtering_enabled = $candlepin::params::env_filtering_enabled,
$env_filtering_enabled = $candlepin::params::env_filtering_enabled,
$thumbslug_enabled = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_enabled,
$thumbslug_oauth_key = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_oauth_key,
$thumbslug_oauth_secret = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_oauth_secret,
$thumbslug_enabled = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_enabled,
$thumbslug_oauth_key = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_oauth_key,
$thumbslug_oauth_secret = $candlepin::params::thumbslug_oauth_secret,
$keystore_file = $candlepin::params::keystore_file,
$keystore_password = $candlepin::params::keystore_password,
$keystore_type = $candlepin::params::keystore_type,
$truststore_file = $candlepin::params::truststore_file,
$truststore_password = $candlepin::params::truststore_password,
$keystore_file = $candlepin::params::keystore_file,
$keystore_password = $candlepin::params::keystore_password,
$keystore_type = $candlepin::params::keystore_type,
$truststore_file = $candlepin::params::truststore_file,
$truststore_password = $candlepin::params::truststore_password,
$amqp_keystore = $candlepin::params::amqp_keystore,
$amqp_keystore_password = $candlepin::params::amqp_keystore_password,
$amqp_truststore = $candlepin::params::amqp_truststore,
$amqp_truststore_password = $candlepin::params::amqp_truststore_password,
$amqp_keystore = $candlepin::params::amqp_keystore,
$amqp_keystore_password = $candlepin::params::amqp_keystore_password,
$amqp_truststore = $candlepin::params::amqp_truststore,
$amqp_truststore_password = $candlepin::params::amqp_truststore_password,
$ca_key = $candlepin::params::ca_key,
$ca_cert = $candlepin::params::ca_cert,
$ca_key_password = $candlepin::params::ca_key_password,
$qpid_hostname = $candlepin::params::qpid_hostname,
$qpid_ssl_port = $candlepin::params::qpid_ssl_port,
$ca_key = $candlepin::params::ca_key,
$ca_cert = $candlepin::params::ca_cert,
$ca_key_password = $candlepin::params::ca_key_password,
$qpid_hostname = $candlepin::params::qpid_hostname,
$qpid_ssl_port = $candlepin::params::qpid_ssl_port,
$version = $candlepin::params::version,
$wget_version = $candlepin::params::wget_version,
$run_init = $candlepin::params::run_init,
$adapter_module = $candlepin::params::adapter_module,
$amq_enable = $candlepin::params::amq_enable,
$enable_hbm2ddl_validate = $candlepin::params::enable_hbm2ddl_validate,
$version = $candlepin::params::version,
$wget_version = $candlepin::params::wget_version,
$run_init = $candlepin::params::run_init,
$adapter_module = $candlepin::params::adapter_module,
$amq_enable = $candlepin::params::amq_enable,
$enable_hbm2ddl_validate = $candlepin::params::enable_hbm2ddl_validate,
$enable_basic_auth = $candlepin::params::enable_basic_auth,
$enable_trusted_auth = $candlepin::params::enable_trusted_auth,
$enable_basic_auth = $candlepin::params::enable_basic_auth,
$enable_trusted_auth = $candlepin::params::enable_trusted_auth,
$consumer_system_name_pattern = $candlepin::params::consumer_system_name_pattern,
$ssl_port = $candlepin::params::ssl_port,
$ssl_port = $candlepin::params::ssl_port,
$candlepin_conf_file = $candlepin::params::candlepin_conf_file,
) inherits candlepin::params {
$apiurl = "https://${::fqdn}/${candlepin::deployment_url}/api/distributors/"
$amqpurl = "tcp://${qpid_hostname}:${qpid_ssl_port}?ssl='true'&ssl_cert_alias='amqp-client'"
$candlepin_conf_file = '/etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf'
class { '::candlepin::install': } ~>
class { '::candlepin::config': } ~>
class { '::candlepin::database': } ~>
$enable_trusted_auth = false
$consumer_system_name_pattern = undef
$candlepin_conf_file = '/etc/candlepin/candlepin.conf'

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