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4ad6d02a Ivan Nečas
# Constains certs specific configurations for candlepin
class candlepin::certs (
$hostname = $::certs::node_fqdn,
$generate = $::certs::generate,
$regenerate = $::certs::regenerate,
$deploy = $::certs::deploy,
$ca = $::certs::default_ca,
$storage = '/etc/candlepin/certs',
$ca_cert = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.crt',
$ca_key = '/etc/candlepin/certs/candlepin-ca.key',
$pki_dir = '/etc/pki/katello',
$keystore = '/etc/pki/katello/keystore',
$keystore_password_file = undef,
$keystore_password = undef,
$candlepin_certs_dir = $certs::params::candlepin_certs_dir,
$candlepin_ca_password_file = $certs::params::candlepin_ca_password_file,
) {

f5ea36b7 Ivan Nečas
Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' }

4ad6d02a Ivan Nečas
if $deploy {
file { $keystore_password_file:
ensure => file,
content => $keystore_password,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'tomcat',
group => $::certs::user_groups,
replace => false;
} ~>
file { $pki_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => $::certs::user_groups,
mode => '0750',
} ~>
pubkey { $ca_cert:
cert => $ca,
} ~>
file { $ca_cert:
owner => 'root',
group => $::certs::user_groups,
mode => '0644';
} ~>
# TODO: it would be probably a bit better to not unprotect it here and
# make candlepin and openssl pkcs12 command to use the passphrase-file instead.
# On the other hand, technically there is not big difference between having
# the key unprotected or storing the passphrase-file: in both cases, getting
# the file means corrupting the certificate
privkey { $ca_key:
cert => $ca,
unprotect => true;
} ~>
file { $ca_key:
owner => 'root',
group => $::certs::user_groups,
mode => '0640';
} ~>
exec { 'generate-ssl-keystore':
command => "openssl pkcs12 -export -in ${ca_cert} -inkey ${ca_key} -out ${keystore} -name tomcat -CAfile ${ca_cert} -caname root -password \"file:${keystore_password_file}\"",
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
creates => $keystore;
} ~>

file { "/usr/share/${candlepin::tomcat}/conf/keystore":
ensure => link,
target => $keystore;
f5ea36b7 Ivan Nečas
} ~>
exec { 'add-candlepin-cert-to-nss-db':
command => "certutil -A -d '${::certs::nss_db_dir}' -n 'ca' -t 'TCu,Cu,Tuw' -a -i '${ca_cert}'",
path => '/usr/bin',
require => Exec['create-nss-db'],
refreshonly => true,
4ad6d02a Ivan Nečas
f5ea36b7 Ivan Nečas
4ad6d02a Ivan Nečas