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# Katello specific certs settings
class certs::katello (
$hostname = $fqdn,
$deployment_url = undef,
$rhsm_port = 443,
$candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename = undef

$candlepin_cert_rpm_alias = $candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename ? {
undef => 'katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm',
default => $candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename,

$katello_www_pub_dir = '/var/www/html/pub'
$rhsm_ca_dir = '/etc/rhsm/ca'
$candlepin_consumer_name = "katello-ca-consumer-${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_summary = "Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance ${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_description = 'Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm.'

file { $katello_www_pub_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'apache',
group => 'apache',
mode => '0755',
} ->
# Placing the CA in the pub dir for trusting by a user in their browser
file { "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${certs::server_ca_name}.crt":
ensure => file,
source => "${certs::pki_dir}/certs/${certs::server_ca_name}.crt",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
require => File["${certs::pki_dir}/certs/${certs::server_ca_name}.crt"],
} ~>
# We need to deliver the server_ca for yum and rhsm to trust the server
# and the default_ca for goferd to trust the qpid
certs_bootstrap_rpm { $candlepin_consumer_name:
dir => $katello_www_pub_dir,
summary => $candlepin_consumer_summary,
description => $candlepin_consumer_description,
files => ["${rhsm_ca_dir}/katello-server-ca.pem:644 =${certs::pki_dir}/certs/${certs::server_ca_name}.crt"],
bootstrap_script => template('certs/rhsm-katello-reconfigure.erb'),
alias => $candlepin_cert_rpm_alias,
subscribe => $::certs::server_ca,