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Revision 1b2dd7d9

Added by dustin tsang almost 10 years ago

Fixes #4650 - consumer cert alias for katello

Consumer cert alias stored as a variable so that puppet_katello can use
the cert name in the katello.yml template.

View differences:

# Katello specific certs settings
class certs::katello ($hostname = $fqdn, $deployment_url = undef){
class certs::katello (
$hostname = $fqdn,
$deployment_url = undef,
$candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename = undef
$candlepin_cert_rpm_alias = $candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename ? {
undef => "${$certs::default_ca_name}-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm",
default => $candlepin_cert_rpm_alias_filename,
$katello_www_pub_dir = '/var/www/html/pub'
$candlepin_consumer_name = "${$certs::default_ca_name}-consumer-${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_summary = "Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance ${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_description = 'Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm.'
file { $katello_www_pub_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'apache',
creates => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",
logoutput => 'on_failure';
} ~>
file { "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${$certs::default_ca_name}-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm":
file { "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_cert_rpm_alias}":
ensure => 'link',
target => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",

Also available in: Unified diff