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# == Class: certs
# Base for installing and configuring certs. It holds the basic configuration
# aournd certificates generation and deployment. The per-subsystem configuratoin
# of certificates should go into `subsystem_module/manifests/certs.pp`.
# === Parameters:
# $log_dir:: When the log files should go
# $node_fqdn:: The fqdn of the host the generated certificates
# should be for
# $generate:: Should the generation of the certs be part of the
# configuration
# type: boolean
# $regenerate:: Force regeneration of the certificates (excluding
# ca certificates)
# type: boolean
# $regenerate_ca:: Force regeneration of the ca certificate
# type: boolean
# $deploy:: Deploy the certs on the configured system. False means
# we want apply it on a different system
# type: boolean
# $ca_common_name:: Common name for the generated CA certificate
# type: string
# $country:: Country attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $state:: State attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $city:: City attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $org:: Org attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $org_unit:: Org unit attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $expiration:: Expiration attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $ca_expiration:: Ca expiration attribute for managed certificates
# type: string
# $pki_dir:: The PKI directory under which to place certs
# $user:: The system user name who should own the certs;
# default 'foreman'
# $group:: The group who should own the certs;
# default 'foreman'
# $password_file_dir:: The location to store password files
class certs (

$log_dir = $certs::params::log_dir,
$node_fqdn = $certs::params::node_fqdn,
$generate = $certs::params::generate,
$regenerate = $certs::params::regenerate,
$regenerate_ca = $certs::params::regenerate_ca,
$deploy = $certs::params::deploy,
$ca_common_name = $certs::params::ca_common_name,
$country = $certs::params::country,
$state = $certs::params::state,
$city = $certs::params::city,
$org = $certs::params::org,
$org_unit = $certs::params::org_unit,

$expiration = $certs::params::expiration,
$ca_expiration = $certs::params::ca_expiration,

$pki_dir = $::certs::params::candlepin_pki_dir,

$password_file_dir = $certs::params::password_file_dir,

$user = $certs::params::user,
$group = $certs::params::group

) inherits certs::params {

$nss_db_dir = $certs::params::nss_db_dir
$default_ca = Ca['candlepin-ca']

$candlepin_keystore_password_file = "${password_file_dir}/keystore_password-file"
$candlepin_keystore_password = find_or_create_password($candlepin_keystore_password_file)

$ssl_pk12_password_file = "${password_file_dir}/pk12_password-file"
$nss_db_password_file = "${password_file_dir}/nss_db_password-file"

class { 'certs::install': } ->
class { 'certs::config': } ->
ca { 'candlepin-ca':
ensure => present,
common_name => $certs::ca_common_name,
country => $certs::country,
state => $certs::state,
city => $certs::city,
org => $certs::org,
org_unit => $certs::org_unit,
expiration => $certs::ca_expiration,
generate => $certs::generate,
regenerate => $certs::regenerate_ca,
deploy => true,
