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class foreman::config {
Cron {
require => User[$foreman::params::user],
user => $foreman::params::user,
environment => "RAILS_ENV=${foreman::params::environment}",

file {'/etc/foreman/settings.yaml':
content => template('foreman/settings.yaml.erb'),
notify => Class['foreman::service'],
owner => $foreman::params::user,
require => User[$foreman::params::user],

#Configure the Debian database with some defaults
case $::operatingsystem {
Debian,Ubuntu: {
file {'/etc/foreman/database.yml':
content => template('foreman/database.yaml.erb'),
notify => Class['foreman::service'],
owner => $foreman::params::user,
require => [User[$foreman::params::user],
default: { }

file { $foreman::params::app_root:
ensure => directory,

user { $foreman::params::user:
ensure => 'present',
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
comment => 'Foreman',
home => $foreman::params::app_root,
require => Class['foreman::install'],

# cleans up the session entries in the database
# if you are using fact or report importers, this creates a session per request
# which can easily result with a lot of old and unrequired in your database
# eventually slowing it down.
command => "(cd ${foreman::params::app_root} && rake db:sessions:clear)",
minute => '15',
hour => '23',

if $foreman::params::reports { include foreman::config::reports }
if $foreman::params::passenger { include foreman::config::passenger }