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class foreman::params {

# Basic configurations
$foreman_url = "http://${::fqdn}"
# Should foreman act as an external node classifier (manage puppet class
# assignments)
$enc = true
# Should foreman receive reports from puppet
$reports = true
# Should foreman recive facts from puppet
$facts = true
# Do you use storeconfig (and run foreman on the same database) ? (note: not
# required)
$storeconfigs = false
# should foreman manage host provisioning as well
$unattended = true
# Enable users authentication (default user:admin pw:changeme)
$authentication = false
# configure foreman via apache and passenger
$passenger = true
# force SSL (note: requires passenger)
$ssl = true

# Advance configurations - no need to change anything here by default
# if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to
# set it to some custom location.
$custom_repo = false
# allow usage of testing rpm/deb packages as well
$use_testing = false
$railspath = '/usr/share'
$app_root = "${railspath}/foreman"
$user = 'foreman'
$environment = 'production'
$use_sqlite = true

# OS specific paths
case $::operatingsystem {
redhat,centos,fedora,Scientific: {
$puppet_basedir = '/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet'
$apache_conf_dir = '/etc/httpd/conf.d'
$yumrepo = $operatingsystemrelease ? {
16 => '$basearch',
17 => '$basearch',
/(5.*)/ => '$basearch',
/(6.*)/ => '$basearch'
Debian,Ubuntu: {
$puppet_basedir = '/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet'
$apache_conf_dir = '/etc/apache2/conf.d'
default: {
$puppet_basedir = '/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet'
$apache_conf_dir = '/etc/apache2/conf.d/foreman.conf'
$puppet_home = '/var/lib/puppet'