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# This class includes the necessary scripts for Foreman on the puppetmaster and
# is intented to be added to your puppetmaster
class foreman::puppetmaster (
$foreman_url = $foreman::params::foreman_url,
$reports = $foreman::params::reports,
$enc = $foreman::params::enc,
$facts = $foreman::params::facts,
$puppet_home = $foreman::params::puppet_home,
$puppet_basedir = $foreman::params::puppet_basedir,
$ssl_ca = $foreman::params::client_ssl_ca,
$ssl_cert = $foreman::params::client_ssl_cert,
$ssl_key = $foreman::params::client_ssl_key,
$enc_api = 'v2',
$report_api = 'v2'
) inherits foreman::params {

case $::operatingsystem {
Debian,Ubuntu: {
case $::lsbdistcodename {
'squeeze': { $json_package = 'libjson-ruby' }
default: { $json_package = 'ruby-json' }
default: { $json_package = 'rubygem-json' }

package { $json_package:
ensure => installed,

if $reports { # foreman reporter

exec { 'Create Puppet Reports dir':
command => "/bin/mkdir -p ${puppet_basedir}/reports",
creates => "${puppet_basedir}/reports"
file {"${puppet_basedir}/reports/foreman.rb":
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template("foreman/foreman-report_${report_api}.rb.erb"),
require => Exec['Create Puppet Reports dir'],

if $enc {
class {'foreman::config::enc':
foreman_url => $foreman_url,
facts => $facts,
puppet_home => $puppet_home,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
enc_api => $enc_api,