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# Configure thirdparty repos
class foreman::install::repos::extra(
$configure_epel_repo = $foreman::configure_epel_repo,
$configure_scl_repo = $foreman::configure_scl_repo,
$ipa_authentication = $foreman::ipa_authentication,
$configure_ipa_repo = $foreman::configure_ipa_repo,
$configure_brightbox_repo = $foreman::configure_brightbox_repo,
) {
$osreleasemajor = regsubst($::operatingsystemrelease, '^(\d+)\..*$', '\1')

if $configure_epel_repo {
$epel_gpgkey = $osreleasemajor ? {
'7' => '',
default => '',
yumrepo { 'epel':
descr => "Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux ${osreleasemajor} - \$basearch",
mirrorlist => "${osreleasemajor}&arch=\$basearch",
baseurl => "${osreleasemajor}/\$basearch",
enabled => 1,
gpgcheck => 1,
gpgkey => $epel_gpgkey,

if $configure_scl_repo {
package {'foreman-release-scl':
ensure => installed,

if $ipa_authentication and $configure_ipa_repo {
yumrepo { 'adelton-identity':
enabled => 1,
gpgcheck => 0,
baseurl => "${osreleasemajor}-\$basearch/",
before => Package['mod_authnz_pam', 'mod_lookup_identity', 'mod_intercept_form_submit', 'sssd-dbus'],

if $configure_brightbox_repo {
include ::apt
::apt::ppa { 'ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng': }
::apt::ppa { 'ppa:brightbox/passenger-legacy': }

# Setting alternatives to manual mode prevents the installation of 1.9 from later
# automatically switching them
alternatives { ['ruby', 'gem']:
mode => 'manual',