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# = Foreman Tasks
# Installs the foreman-tasks plugin
# === Parameters:
# $package:: Package name to install, use ruby193-rubygem-foreman-tasks on Foreman 1.8/1.9 on EL
# $automatic_cleanup:: Enable automatic task cleanup using a cron job
# $cron_line:: Cron line defining when the cleanup cron job should run
class foreman::plugin::tasks(
String $package = $::foreman::plugin::tasks::params::package,
Boolean $automatic_cleanup = $::foreman::plugin::tasks::params::automatic_cleanup,
String $cron_line = $::foreman::plugin::tasks::params::cron_line,
) inherits foreman::plugin::tasks::params {
include ::foreman::service::jobs

foreman::plugin { 'tasks':
package => $package,
notify => Class['foreman::service::jobs'],
$cron_state = $automatic_cleanup ? {
true => 'present',
default => 'absent',
file { '/etc/cron.d/foreman-tasks':
ensure => $cron_state,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => template('foreman/tasks.cron.erb'),