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# Configure the foreman service using passenger
# === Parameters:
# $app_root:: Root of the application.
# $listen_on_interface:: Specify which interface to bind passenger to.
# Defaults to all interfaces.
# $ruby:: Path to Ruby interpreter
# $servername:: Servername for the vhost.
# $ssl:: Whether to enable SSL.
# $ssl_cert:: Location of the SSL certificate file.
# $ssl_key:: Location of the SSL key file.
# $ssl_ca:: Location of the SSL CA file
# $ssl_crl:: Location of the SSL certificate revocation list file
# $use_vhost:: Whether to install a vhost. Note that using ssl and
# no vhost is unsupported.
# $user:: The user under which the application runs.
# $prestart:: Pre-start the first passenger worker instance process during httpd start.
# type:boolean
# $min_instances:: Minimum passenger worker instances to keep when application is idle.
# $start_timeout:: Amount of seconds to wait for Ruby application boot.
class foreman::config::passenger(
$app_root = $foreman::app_root,
$listen_on_interface = $foreman::passenger_interface,
$ruby = $foreman::passenger_ruby,
$servername = $foreman::servername,
$ssl = $foreman::ssl,
$ssl_ca = $foreman::server_ssl_ca,
$ssl_chain = $foreman::server_ssl_chain,
$ssl_cert = $foreman::server_ssl_cert,
$ssl_key = $foreman::server_ssl_key,
$ssl_crl = $foreman::server_ssl_crl,
$use_vhost = $foreman::use_vhost,
$user = $foreman::user,
$prestart = $foreman::passenger_prestart,
$min_instances = $foreman::passenger_min_instances,
$start_timeout = $foreman::passenger_start_timeout,
) {
# validate parameter values

$docroot = "${app_root}/public"
$suburi_parts = split($foreman::foreman_url, '/')
$suburi_parts_count = size($suburi_parts) - 1
if $suburi_parts_count >= 3 {
$suburi_without_slash = join(values_at($suburi_parts, ["3-${suburi_parts_count}"]), '/')
if $suburi_without_slash {
$suburi = "/${suburi_without_slash}"

include ::apache
include ::apache::mod::headers
include ::apache::mod::passenger
Class['::apache'] -> anchor { 'foreman::config::passenger_end': }

# Ensure the Version module is loaded as we need it in the Foreman vhosts
# RedHat distros come with this enabled. Newer Debian and Ubuntu distros
# comes also with this enabled. Only old Debian and Ubuntu distros (squeeze,
# lucid, precise) needs hand-holding.
if ($::operatingsystemrelease == '12.04') and ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
::apache::mod { 'version': }

if $use_vhost {
# Workaround so apache::vhost doesn't attempt to create a directory
file { $docroot: }

# Check the value in case the interface doesn't exist, otherwise listen on all interfaces
if $listen_on_interface and $listen_on_interface in split($::interfaces, ',') {
$listen_interface = inline_template("<%= @ipaddress_${listen_on_interface} %>")
} else {
$listen_interface = undef

$http_prestart = $prestart ? {
true => "http://${servername}",
false => undef,

file { "${apache::confd_dir}/05-foreman.d":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
purge => true,
recurse => true,

apache::vhost { 'foreman':
add_default_charset => 'UTF-8',
docroot => $docroot,
ip => $listen_interface,
options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'],
passenger_app_root => $app_root,
passenger_min_instances => $min_instances,
passenger_pre_start => $http_prestart,
passenger_start_timeout => $start_timeout,
passenger_ruby => $ruby,
port => 80,
priority => '05',
servername => $servername,
serveraliases => ['foreman'],
custom_fragment => template('foreman/_assets.conf.erb', 'foreman/_virt_host_include.erb',

if $ssl {
$https_prestart = $prestart ? {
true => "https://${servername}",
false => undef,
if $ssl_crl and $ssl_crl != '' {
$ssl_crl_real = $ssl_crl
$ssl_crl_check = 'chain'
} else {
$ssl_crl_real = undef
$ssl_crl_check = undef

file { "${apache::confd_dir}/05-foreman-ssl.d":
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
purge => true,
recurse => true,

apache::vhost { 'foreman-ssl':
add_default_charset => 'UTF-8',
docroot => $docroot,
ip => $listen_interface,
options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'],
passenger_app_root => $app_root,
passenger_min_instances => $min_instances,
passenger_pre_start => $https_prestart,
passenger_start_timeout => $start_timeout,
passenger_ruby => $ruby,
port => 443,
priority => '05',
servername => $servername,
serveraliases => ['foreman'],
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => $ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $ssl_key,
ssl_chain => $ssl_chain,
ssl_ca => $ssl_ca,
ssl_crl => $ssl_crl_real,
ssl_crl_check => $ssl_crl_check,
ssl_verify_client => 'optional',
ssl_options => '+StdEnvVars',
ssl_verify_depth => '3',
custom_fragment => template('foreman/_assets.conf.erb', 'foreman/_ssl_virt_host_include.erb',
} else {
file { 'foreman_vhost':
path => "${apache::params::conf_dir}/foreman.conf",
content => template('foreman/foreman-apache.conf.erb'),
mode => '0644',

if $ssl {
fail('Use of ssl = true and use_vhost = false is unsupported')

file { ["${app_root}/", "${app_root}/config/environment.rb"]:
owner => $user,