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# @summary Run a Foreman rake task when notified
# @param environment
# Environment variables to set
# @param timeout
# The timeout to set on the exec resource
# @param user
# The user to run this rake task
# @param app_root
# The application root to use
# @param unless
# Don't execute the rake task if this command passes. If not passed in, the
# exec is refreshonly.
define foreman::rake (
Hash[String, String] $environment = {},
Optional[Integer[0]] $timeout = undef,
String[1] $user = $foreman::user,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $app_root = $foreman::app_root,
Variant[Undef, String[1], Array[String[1]]] $unless = undef,
) {
exec { "foreman-rake-${title}":
command => "/usr/sbin/foreman-rake ${title}",
user => $user,
environment => sort(join_keys_to_values(merge( { 'HOME' => $app_root }, $environment), '=')),
logoutput => 'on_failure',
refreshonly => $unless =~ Undef,
timeout => $timeout,
unless => $unless,