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# = Foreman Discovery plugin
# This class installs discovery plugin and images
# === Parameters:
# $version:: version string of discovery image, in form of x.y.z-r
# $source:: mirror url from which the image files should be obtained, you
# can use http(s):// or file://
# $initrd:: name of initrd image file
# $kernel:: name of kernel file
# $install_images:: should the installer download and setup discovery images
# for you? the average size is few hundreds of MB
# type:boolean
class foreman::plugin::discovery (
$version = $foreman::plugin::discovery::params::version,
$source = $foreman::plugin::discovery::params::source,
$initrd = $foreman::plugin::discovery::params::initrd,
$kernel = $foreman::plugin::discovery::params::kernel,
$install_images = $foreman::plugin::discovery::params::install_images,
) inherits foreman::plugin::discovery::params {


foreman::plugin {'discovery':

if $install_images {
include ::tftp::params

foreman::remote_file {"${::tftp::params::root}boot/${kernel}":
remote_location => "${source}${kernel}",
mode => 0644,

foreman::remote_file {"${::tftp::params::root}boot/${initrd}":
remote_location => "${source}${initrd}",
mode => 0644,