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# Configure the foreman service
class foreman::service(
Boolean $passenger = $::foreman::passenger,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $app_root = $::foreman::app_root,
Boolean $ssl = $::foreman::ssl,
String $jobs_service = $::foreman::jobs_service,
Stdlib::Ensure::Service $jobs_service_ensure = $::foreman::jobs_service_ensure,
Boolean $jobs_service_enable = $::foreman::jobs_service_enable,
) {
anchor { ['foreman::service_begin', 'foreman::service_end']: }

service { $jobs_service:
ensure => $jobs_service_ensure,
enable => $jobs_service_enable,

if $passenger {
exec {'restart_foreman':
command => "/bin/touch ${app_root}/tmp/restart.txt",
refreshonly => true,
cwd => $app_root,
path => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin',

# Anchor httpd service within this service class, but allow other
# configuration within the apache module to occur before
Anchor['foreman::service_begin'] -> Service['httpd']
Class['::apache'] -> Anchor['foreman::service_end']

# Ensure SSL certs from the puppetmaster are available
# Relationship is duplicated there as defined() is parse-order dependent
if $ssl and defined(Class['puppet::server::config']) {
Class['puppet::server::config'] -> Class['foreman::service']

$service_ensure = 'stopped'
$service_enabled = false
} else {
$service_ensure = 'running'
$service_enabled = true

service {'foreman':
ensure => $service_ensure,
enable => $service_enabled,
hasstatus => true,