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# = Foreman Memcache plugin
# This class installs the memcache plugin and configuration file
# === Parameters:
# $hosts:: an array of hosts running memcache
# $expires_in:: global default for key TTL in seconds
# $namespace:: prepends each key with this value to provide simple namespacing
# $compress:: will gzip-compress values larger than 1K
class foreman::plugin::memcache (
Array[String] $hosts = $::foreman::plugin::memcache::params::hosts,
Integer[0] $expires_in = $::foreman::plugin::memcache::params::expires_in,
String $namespace = $::foreman::plugin::memcache::params::namespace,
Boolean $compress = $::foreman::plugin::memcache::params::compress,
) inherits foreman::plugin::memcache::params {
foreman::plugin {'memcache':
config => template('foreman/foreman_memcache.yaml.erb'),