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# Manage your foreman server
# === Parameters:
# $foreman_url:: URL on which foreman is going to run
# $unattended:: Should foreman manage host provisioning as well
# type:boolean
# $authentication:: Enable users authentication (default user:admin pw:changeme)
# type:boolean
# $passenger:: Configure foreman via apache and passenger
# type:boolean
# $passenger_scl:: Software collection name (on RHEL currently 'ruby193', undef on others)
# $use_vhost:: Enclose apache configuration in <VirtualHost>...</VirtualHost>
# type:boolean
# $ssl:: Enable and set require_ssl in Foreman settings (note: requires passenger, SSL does not apply to kickstarts)
# type:boolean
# $custom_repo:: No need to change anything here by default
# if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to
# set it to some custom location.
# type:boolean
# $repo:: This can be stable, rc, or nightly
# $selinux:: when undef, foreman-selinux will be installed if SELinux is enabled
# setting to false/true will override this check (e.g. set to false on 1.1)
# type:boolean
# $gpgcheck:: turn on/off gpg check in repo files (effective only on RedHat family systems)
# type:boolean
# $db_manage:: if enabled, will install and configure the database server on this host
# type:boolean
# $db_type:: Database 'production' type (valid types: mysql/postgresql/sqlite)
# $db_adapter:: Database 'production' adapter
# $db_host:: Database 'production' host
# $db_port:: Database 'production' port
# type:integer
# $db_database:: Database 'production' database (e.g. foreman)
# $db_username:: Database 'production' user (e.g. foreman)
# $db_password:: Database 'production' password (default is random)
# $db_sslmode:: Database 'production' ssl mode
# $app_root:: Name of foreman root directory
# $user:: User under which foreman will run
# $environment:: Rails environment of foreman
# $puppet_basedir:: Where are puppet modules located
# $apache_conf_dir:: Directory that holds Apache configuration files (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d)
# $puppet_home:: Puppet home directory
# $locations_enabled:: Enable locations?
# type:boolean
# $organizations_enabled:: Enable organizations?
# type:boolean
# $passenger_interface:: Defines which network interface passenger should listen on, undef means all interfaces
class foreman (
$foreman_url = $foreman::params::foreman_url,
$unattended = $foreman::params::unattended,
$authentication = $foreman::params::authentication,
$passenger = $foreman::params::passenger,
$passenger_scl = $foreman::params::passenger_scl,
$use_vhost = $foreman::params::use_vhost,
$ssl = $foreman::params::ssl,
$custom_repo = $foreman::params::custom_repo,
$repo = $foreman::params::repo,
$selinux = $foreman::params::selinux,
$gpgcheck = $foreman::params::gpgcheck,
$version = $foreman::params::version,
$db_manage = $foreman::params::db_manage,
$db_type = $foreman::params::db_type,
$db_adapter = 'UNSET',
$db_host = 'UNSET',
$db_port = 'UNSET',
$db_database = 'UNSET',
$db_username = $foreman::params::db_username,
$db_password = $foreman::params::db_password,
$db_sslmode = 'UNSET',
$app_root = $foreman::params::app_root,
$user = $foreman::params::user,
$environment = $foreman::params::environment,
$puppet_basedir = $foreman::params::puppet_basedir,
$apache_conf_dir = $foreman::params::apache_conf_dir,
$puppet_home = $foreman::params::puppet_home,
$locations_enabled = $foreman::params::locations_enabled,
$organizations_enabled = $foreman::params::organizations_enabled,
$passenger_interface = $foreman::params::passenger_interface,
$oauth_active = $foreman::params::oauth_active,
$oauth_map_users = $foreman::params::oauth_map_users,
$oauth_consumer_key = $foreman::params::oauth_consumer_key,
$oauth_consumer_secret = $foreman::params::oauth_consumer_secret
) inherits foreman::params {
if $db_adapter == 'UNSET' {
$db_adapter_real = $foreman::db_type ? {
'sqlite' => 'sqlite3',
'mysql' => 'mysql2',
default => $foreman::db_type,
} else {
$db_adapter_real = $db_adapter
class { 'foreman::install': } ~>
class { 'foreman::config': } ~>
class { 'foreman::database': } ~>
class { 'foreman::service': }