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<%="_header.erb",File.dirname(file)))).result(binding) -%>
# the location where foreman is installed
FOREMAN_HOME=<%= scope.lookupvar('::foreman::app_root') %>

# the port which foreman web server is running at
# note that if the foreman user is not root, it has to be a > 1024

# the user which runs the web interface
FOREMAN_USER=<%= scope.lookupvar('::foreman::user') %>

# the rails environment in which foreman runs
FOREMAN_ENV=<%= scope.lookupvar('::foreman::environment') %>

# if we're using passenger or not
# if set to 1, init script will do a railsrestart on 'restart' and will refuse
# 'start' and 'stop' completely and remind the operator that passenger is in
# use.
FOREMAN_USE_PASSENGER=<%= scope.lookupvar('::foreman::passenger') ? '1' : '0' %>

# set to 1 if you're using thin as a server