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# = Ansible proxy plugin
# This class installs Ansible support for Foreman proxy
# === Advanced parameters:
# $ansible_dir:: Ansible directory to search for available roles
# $working_dir:: A directory where the playbooks will be generated.
# A tmp directory will be created when left blank
# $enabled:: Enables/disables the ansible plugin
# $listen_on:: Proxy feature listens on https, http, or both
# $host_key_checking:: Whether to ignore errors when a host is reinstalled
# so it has a different key in ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# If a host is not initially in 'known_hosts' setting
# this to True will result in prompting for confirmation
# of the key, which is not possible from non-interactive
# environments like Foreman Remote Execution or cron
# $stdout_callback:: Ansible's stdout_callback setting
# $roles_path:: Paths where we look for ansible roles.
# $ssh_args:: The ssh_args parameter in ansible.cfg under [ssh_connection]
# $install_runner:: If true, installs ansible-runner package to support running ansible by ansible-runner
# $manage_runner_repo:: If true, adds upstream repositories to install ansible-runner package from
# $callback:: The callback plugin to configure in ansible.cfg
# $runner_package_name:: The name of the ansible-runner package to install
# $collections_paths:: Paths where to look for ansible collections
class foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible (
Boolean $enabled = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::enabled,
Foreman_proxy::ListenOn $listen_on = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::listen_on,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ansible_dir = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::ansible_dir,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $working_dir = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::working_dir,
Boolean $host_key_checking = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::host_key_checking,
String $stdout_callback = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::stdout_callback,
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $roles_path = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::roles_path,
String $ssh_args = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::ssh_args,
Boolean $install_runner = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::install_runner,
Boolean $manage_runner_repo = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::manage_runner_repo,
String $callback = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::callback,
String $runner_package_name = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::runner_package_name,
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $collections_paths = $foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params::collections_paths,
) inherits foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::params {
$foreman_url = $foreman_proxy::foreman_base_url
$foreman_ssl_cert = pick($foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_cert, $foreman_proxy::ssl_cert)
$foreman_ssl_key = pick($foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_key, $foreman_proxy::ssl_key)
$foreman_ssl_ca = pick($foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_ca, $foreman_proxy::ssl_ca)

file {"${foreman_proxy::config_dir}/ansible.cfg":
ensure => file,
content => template('foreman_proxy/plugin/ansible.cfg.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => $foreman_proxy::user,
mode => '0640',
~> file { "${foreman_proxy::dir}/.ansible.cfg":
ensure => link,
target => "${foreman_proxy::config_dir}/ansible.cfg",

include foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow
if $install_runner {
include foreman_proxy::plugin::ansible::runner

foreman_proxy::plugin::module { 'ansible':
enabled => $enabled,
listen_on => $listen_on,

if $foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow::external_core {
Foreman_proxy::Settings_file['ansible'] ~> Service['smart_proxy_dynflow_core']