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# = Foreman Proxy Omaha plugin
# This class installs the omaha plugin
# === Parameters:
# $contentpath:: Path where omaha content is stored
# $sync_releases:: How many of the latest releases should be synced
# $http_proxy:: URL to a proxy server that should be used to retrieve omaha content, e.g. ''
# === Advanced parameters:
# $enabled:: enables/disables the omaha plugin
# $listen_on:: proxy feature listens on http, https, or both
# $version:: plugin package version, it's passed to ensure parameter of package resource
# can be set to specific version number, 'latest', 'present' etc.
class foreman_proxy::plugin::omaha (
Boolean $enabled = true,
Foreman_proxy::ListenOn $listen_on = 'https',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $contentpath = '/var/lib/foreman-proxy/omaha/content',
Integer[0] $sync_releases = 2,
Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl] $http_proxy = undef,
Optional[String] $version = undef,
) {
foreman_proxy::plugin { 'omaha':
version => $version,
-> foreman_proxy::settings_file { 'omaha':
template_path => 'foreman_proxy/plugin/omaha.yml.erb',
enabled => $enabled,
feature => 'Omaha',
listen_on => $listen_on,

exec { "mkdir_p-${contentpath}":
command => "mkdir -p ${contentpath}",
creates => $contentpath,
path => '/bin:/usr/bin',
-> file { $contentpath:
ensure => directory,