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# Install, configure and run a foreman proxy
# === Parameters:
# $repo:: This can be stable, rc, or nightly
# $gpgcheck:: Turn on/off gpg check in repo files (effective only on RedHat family systems)
# type:boolean
# $custom_repo:: No need to change anything here by default
# if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to
# set it to some custom location.
# type:boolean
# $version:: foreman package version, it's passed to ensure parameter of package resource
# can be set to specific version number, 'latest', 'present' etc.
# $plugin_version:: foreman plugins version, it's passed to ensure parameter of plugins package resource
# can be set to 'latest', 'present', 'installed', 'absent'.
# $port:: Port on which will foreman proxy listen
# type:integer
# $dir:: Foreman proxy install directory
# $user:: User under which foreman proxy will run
# $log:: Foreman proxy log file
# $log_level:: Foreman proxy log level, e.g. INFO, DEBUG, FATAL etc.
# $ssl:: Enable SSL, ensure proxy is added with "https://" protocol if true
# type:boolean
# $ssl_ca:: SSL CA to validate the client certificates used to access the proxy
# $ssl_cert:: SSL certificate to be used to run the foreman proxy via https.
# $ssl_key:: Corresponding key to a ssl_cert certificate
# $foreman_ssl_ca:: SSL CA used to verify connections when accessing the Foreman API.
# When not specified, the ssl_ca is used instead.
# $foreman_ssl_cert:: SSL client certificate used when accessing the Foreman API
# When not specified, the ssl_cert is used instead.
# $foreman_ssl_key:: Corresponding key to a foreman_ssl_cert certificate
# When not specified, the ssl_key is used instead.
# $trusted_hosts:: Only hosts listed will be permitted, empty array to disable authorization
# type:array
# $manage_sudoersd:: Whether to manage File['/etc/sudoers.d'] or not. When reusing this module, this may be
# disabled to let a dedicated sudo module manage it instead.
# type:boolean
# $use_sudoersd:: Add a file to /etc/sudoers.d (true) or uses augeas (false)
# type:boolean
# $puppetca:: Use Puppet CA
# type:boolean
# $ssldir:: Puppet CA ssl directory
# $puppetdir:: Puppet var directory
# $autosign_location:: Path to autosign configuration file
# $puppetca_cmd:: Puppet CA command to be allowed in sudoers
# $puppet_group:: Groups of Foreman proxy user
# $puppetrun:: Enable puppet run/kick management
# type:boolean
# $puppetrun_provider:: Set puppet_provider to handle puppet run/kick via mcollective
# $puppetrun_cmd:: Puppet run/kick command to be allowed in sudoers
# $customrun_cmd:: Puppet customrun command
# $customrun_args:: Puppet customrun command arguments
# $puppetssh_sudo:: Whether to use sudo before commands when using puppetrun_provider puppetssh
# type:boolean
# $puppetssh_command:: The command used by puppetrun_provider puppetssh
# $puppetssh_user:: The user for puppetrun_provider puppetssh
# $puppetssh_keyfile:: The keyfile for puppetrun_provider puppetssh commands
# $puppetssh_wait:: Whether to wait for completion of the Puppet command over SSH and return
# the exit code
# type:boolean
# $puppet_user:: Which user to invoke sudo as to run puppet commands
# $puppet_url:: URL of the Puppet master itself for API requests
# $puppet_ssl_ca:: SSL CA used to verify connections when accessing the Puppet master API
# $puppet_ssl_cert:: SSL certificate used when accessing the Puppet master API
# $puppet_ssl_key:: SSL private key used when accessing the Puppet master API
# $puppet_use_environment_api:: Override use of Puppet's API to list environments. When unset, the proxy will
# try to determine this automatically.
# type:boolean
# $templates:: Enable templates proxying feature
# type:boolean
# $template_url:: URL a client should use for provisioning templates
# $tftp:: Use TFTP
# type:boolean
# $tftp_syslinux_root:: Directory that hold syslinux files
# $tftp_syslinux_files:: Syslinux files to install on TFTP (copied from $tftp_syslinux_root)
# type:array
# $tftp_root:: TFTP root directory
# $tftp_dirs:: Directories to be create in $tftp_root
# type:array
# $tftp_servername:: Defines the TFTP Servername to use, overrides the name in the subnet declaration
# $dhcp:: Use DHCP
# type:boolean
# $dhcp_managed:: DHCP is managed by Foreman proxy
# type:boolean
# $dhcp_interface:: DHCP listen interface
# $dhcp_gateway:: DHCP pool gateway
# $dhcp_range:: Space-separated DHCP pool range
# $dhcp_nameservers:: DHCP nameservers
# $dhcp_vendor:: DHCP vendor
# $dhcp_config:: DHCP config file path
# $dhcp_leases:: DHCP leases file
# $dhcp_key_name:: DHCP key name
# $dhcp_key_secret:: DHCP password
# $dns:: Use DNS
# type:boolean
# $dns_managed:: DNS is managed by Foreman proxy
# type:boolean
# $dns_provider:: DNS provider
# $dns_interface:: DNS interface
# $dns_zone:: DNS zone name
# $dns_reverse:: DNS reverse zone name
# $dns_server:: Address of DNS server to manage
# $dns_ttl:: DNS default TTL override
# $dns_tsig_keytab:: Kerberos keytab for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication
# $dns_tsig_principal:: Kerberos principal for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication
# $dns_forwarders:: DNS forwarders
# type:array
# $virsh_network:: Network for virsh DNS/DHCP provider
# $bmc:: Use BMC
# type:boolean
# $bmc_default_provider:: BMC default provider.
# $keyfile:: DNS server keyfile path
# $realm:: Use realm management
# type:boolean
# $realm_provider:: Realm management provider
# $realm_keytab:: Kerberos keytab path to authenticate realm updates
# $realm_principal:: Kerberos principal for realm updates
# $freeipa_remove_dns:: Remove DNS entries from FreeIPA when deleting hosts from realm
# type:boolean
# $register_in_foreman:: Register proxy back in Foreman
# type:boolean
# $registered_name:: Proxy name which is registered in Foreman
# $registered_proxy_url:: Proxy URL which is registered in Foreman
# $foreman_base_url:: Base Foreman URL used for REST interaction
# $oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for REST interaction
# $oauth_consumer_key:: OAuth key to be used for REST interaction
# $oauth_consumer_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for REST interaction
class foreman_proxy (
$repo = $foreman_proxy::params::repo,
$gpgcheck = $foreman_proxy::params::gpgcheck,
$custom_repo = $foreman_proxy::params::custom_repo,
$version = $foreman_proxy::params::version,
$plugin_version = $foreman_proxy::params::plugin_version,
$port = $foreman_proxy::params::port,
$dir = $foreman_proxy::params::dir,
$user = $foreman_proxy::params::user,
$log = $foreman_proxy::params::log,
$log_level = $foreman_proxy::params::log_level,
$ssl = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl,
$ssl_ca = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_ca,
$ssl_cert = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_cert,
$ssl_key = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_key,
$foreman_ssl_ca = $foreman_proxy::params::foreman_ssl_ca,
$foreman_ssl_cert = $foreman_proxy::params::foreman_ssl_cert,
$foreman_ssl_key = $foreman_proxy::params::foreman_ssl_key,
$trusted_hosts = $foreman_proxy::params::trusted_hosts,
$manage_sudoersd = $foreman_proxy::params::manage_sudoersd,
$use_sudoersd = $foreman_proxy::params::use_sudoersd,
$puppetca = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetca,
$ssldir = $foreman_proxy::params::ssldir,
$puppetdir = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetdir,
$autosign_location = $foreman_proxy::params::autosign_location,
$puppetca_cmd = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetca_cmd,
$puppet_group = $foreman_proxy::params::puppet_group,
$puppetrun = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetrun,
$puppetrun_cmd = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetrun_cmd,
$puppetrun_provider = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetrun_provider,
$customrun_cmd = $foreman_proxy::params::customrun_cmd,
$customrun_args = $foreman_proxy::params::customrun_args,
$puppetssh_sudo = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetssh_sudo,
$puppetssh_command = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetssh_command,
$puppetssh_user = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetssh_user,
$puppetssh_keyfile = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetssh_keyfile,
$puppetssh_wait = $foreman_proxy::params::puppetssh_wait,
$puppet_user = $foreman_proxy::params::puppet_user,
$puppet_url = $foreman_proxy::params::puppet_url,
$puppet_ssl_ca = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_ca,
$puppet_ssl_cert = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_cert,
$puppet_ssl_key = $foreman_proxy::params::ssl_key,
$puppet_use_environment_api = $foreman_proxy::params::puppet_use_environment_api,
$templates = $foreman_proxy::params::templates,
$template_url = $foreman_proxy::params::template_url,
$tftp = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp,
$tftp_syslinux_root = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp_syslinux_root,
$tftp_syslinux_files = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp_syslinux_files,
$tftp_root = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp_root,
$tftp_dirs = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp_dirs,
$tftp_servername = $foreman_proxy::params::tftp_servername,
$dhcp = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp,
$dhcp_managed = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_managed,
$dhcp_interface = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_interface,
$dhcp_gateway = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_gateway,
$dhcp_range = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_range,
$dhcp_nameservers = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_nameservers,
$dhcp_vendor = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_vendor,
$dhcp_config = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_config,
$dhcp_leases = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_leases,
$dhcp_key_name = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_key_name,
$dhcp_key_secret = $foreman_proxy::params::dhcp_key_secret,
$dns = $foreman_proxy::params::dns,
$dns_managed = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_managed,
$dns_provider = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_provider,
$dns_interface = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_interface,
$dns_zone = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_zone,
$dns_reverse = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_reverse,
$dns_server = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_server,
$dns_ttl = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_ttl,
$dns_tsig_keytab = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_tsig_keytab,
$dns_tsig_principal = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_tsig_principal,
$dns_forwarders = $foreman_proxy::params::dns_forwarders,
$virsh_network = $foreman_proxy::params::virsh_network,
$bmc = $foreman_proxy::params::bmc,
$bmc_default_provider = $foreman_proxy::params::bmc_default_provider,
$realm = $foreman_proxy::params::realm,
$realm_provider = $foreman_proxy::params::realm_provider,
$realm_keytab = $foreman_proxy::params::realm_keytab,
$realm_principal = $foreman_proxy::params::realm_principal,
$freeipa_remove_dns = $foreman_proxy::params::freeipa_remove_dns,
$keyfile = $foreman_proxy::params::keyfile,
$register_in_foreman = $foreman_proxy::params::register_in_foreman,
$foreman_base_url = $foreman_proxy::params::foreman_base_url,
$registered_name = $foreman_proxy::params::registered_name,
$registered_proxy_url = $foreman_proxy::params::registered_proxy_url,
$oauth_effective_user = $foreman_proxy::params::oauth_effective_user,
$oauth_consumer_key = $foreman_proxy::params::oauth_consumer_key,
$oauth_consumer_secret = $foreman_proxy::params::oauth_consumer_secret
) inherits foreman_proxy::params {

# Validate misc params
validate_bool($ssl, $manage_sudoersd, $use_sudoersd, $register_in_foreman)
validate_re($log_level, '^(UNKNOWN|FATAL|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG)$')
validate_re($plugin_version, '^(installed|present|latest|absent)$')

# Validate puppet params
validate_bool($puppetca, $puppetrun, $puppetssh_wait)
validate_string($ssldir, $puppetdir, $autosign_location, $puppetca_cmd, $puppetrun_cmd)
validate_string($puppet_url, $puppet_ssl_ca, $puppet_ssl_cert, $puppet_ssl_key)

# Validate template params

# Validate tftp params

# Validate dhcp params
validate_bool($dhcp, $dhcp_managed)

# Validate dns params
validate_string($dns_interface, $dns_provider, $dns_reverse, $dns_server, $keyfile)

# Validate bmc params
validate_re($bmc_default_provider, '^(freeipmi|ipmitool|shell)$')

# Validate realm params
validate_bool($realm, $freeipa_remove_dns)
validate_string($realm_provider, $realm_principal)

class { 'foreman_proxy::install': } ~>
class { 'foreman_proxy::config': } ~>
Foreman_proxy::Plugin <| |> ~>
class { 'foreman_proxy::service': } ~>
class { 'foreman_proxy::register': } ->