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# = Foreman Proxy Remote Execution SSH plugin
# This class installs Remote Execution SSH support for Foreman proxy
# === Parameters:
# $generate_keys:: Automatically generate SSH keys
# $install_key:: Automatically install generated SSH key to root authorized keys
# which allows managing this host through Remote Execution
# $ssh_identity_dir:: Directory where SSH keys are stored
# $ssh_identity_file:: Provide an alternative name for the SSH keys
# $ssh_keygen:: Location of the ssh-keygen binary
# $ssh_kerberos_auth:: Enable kerberos authentication for SSH
# $local_working_dir:: Local working directory on the smart proxy
# $remote_working_dir:: Remote working directory on clients
# === Advanced parameters:
# $enabled:: Enables/disables the plugin
# $listen_on:: Proxy feature listens on https, http, or both
# $async_ssh:: Whether to run remote execution jobs asynchronously.
class foreman_proxy::plugin::remote_execution::ssh (
Boolean $enabled = true,
Foreman_proxy::ListenOn $listen_on = 'https',
Boolean $generate_keys = true,
Boolean $install_key = false,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ssh_identity_dir = '/var/lib/foreman-proxy/ssh',
String $ssh_identity_file = 'id_rsa_foreman_proxy',
String $ssh_keygen = '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $local_working_dir = '/var/tmp',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $remote_working_dir = '/var/tmp',
Boolean $ssh_kerberos_auth = false,
Boolean $async_ssh = false,
) {

$ssh_identity_path = "${ssh_identity_dir}/${ssh_identity_file}"

include foreman_proxy::params
include foreman_proxy::plugin::dynflow

foreman_proxy::plugin::module { 'remote_execution_ssh':
enabled => $enabled,
feature => 'SSH',
listen_on => $listen_on,

if $ssh_kerberos_auth {
$kerberos_pkg = "${foreman_proxy::params::ruby_package_prefix}net-ssh-krb"
package { $kerberos_pkg:
ensure => present,

if $generate_keys {
file { $ssh_identity_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $foreman_proxy::user,
group => $foreman_proxy::user,
mode => '0700',
-> exec { 'generate_ssh_key':
command => "${ssh_keygen} -f ${ssh_identity_path} -N '' -m pem",
user => $foreman_proxy::user,
cwd => $ssh_identity_dir,
creates => $ssh_identity_path,
if $install_key {
# Ensure the .ssh directory exists with the right permissions
file { '/root/.ssh':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
-> exec { 'install_ssh_key':
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
command => "cat ${ssh_identity_path}.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
unless => "grep -f ${ssh_identity_path}.pub /root/.ssh/authorized_keys",
require => Exec['generate_ssh_key'],