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# The default parameters for the foreman proxy
class foreman_proxy::params {

include tftp::params
include puppet::params

# Packaging
$repo = 'stable'
$gpgcheck = true
# if set to true, no repo will be added by this module, letting you to
# set it to some custom location.
$custom_repo = false

# variables
$port = '8443'
$dir = '/usr/share/foreman-proxy'
$user = 'foreman-proxy'
$log = '/var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log'

$puppet_home = $puppet::params::puppet_vardir

# Enable SSL, ensure proxy is added with "https://" protocol if true
$ssl = true
# If CA is specified, remote Foreman host will be verified
$ssl_ca = "${puppet_home}/ssl/certs/ca.pem"
# Used to communicate to Foreman
$ssl_cert = "${puppet_home}/ssl/certs/${::fqdn}.pem"
$ssl_key = "${puppet_home}/ssl/private_keys/${::fqdn}.pem"

# Only hosts listed will be permitted, empty array to disable authorization
$trusted_hosts = []

# Whether to manage File['/etc/sudoers.d'] or not. When reusing this module,
# this may be disabled to let a dedicated sudo module manage it instead.
$manage_sudoersd = true

# Add a file to /etc/sudoers.d (true) or uses augeas (false)
case $::operatingsystem {
redhat,centos,Scientific: {
if $::operatingsystemrelease >= 6 {
$use_sudoersd = true
} else {
$use_sudoersd = false
default: {
$use_sudoersd = true

# puppetca settings
$puppetca = true
$autosign_location = '/etc/puppet/autosign.conf'
$puppetca_cmd = $puppet::params::puppetca_cmd
$puppet_group = 'puppet'
$ssldir = "${puppet_home}/ssl"
$puppetdir = $puppet::params::dir

# puppetrun settings
$puppetrun = true
$puppetrun_cmd = $puppet::params::puppetrun_cmd

# TFTP settings - requires optional TFTP puppet module
$tftp = true
case $::operatingsystem {
Debian,Ubuntu: {
$tftp_syslinux_root = '/usr/lib/syslinux'
default: {
$tftp_syslinux_root = '/usr/share/syslinux'
$tftp_syslinux_files = ['pxelinux.0','menu.c32','chain.c32','memdisk']
$tftp_root = $tftp::params::root
$tftp_dirs = ["${tftp_root}/pxelinux.cfg","${tftp_root}/boot"]
$tftp_servername = $ipaddress_eth0

# DHCP settings - requires optional DHCP puppet module
$dhcp = false
$dhcp_managed = true
$dhcp_interface = 'eth0'
$dhcp_gateway = ''
$dhcp_range = false
# This will use the IP of the interface in $dhcp_interface, override
# if you need to. You can make this a comma-separated string too - it
# will be split into an array
$dhcp_nameservers = 'default'
# Omapi settings
$dhcp_key_name = ''
$dhcp_key_secret = ''

# DHCP server settings
case $::osfamily {
Debian: {
$dhcp_vendor = 'isc'
$dhcp_config = '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf'
$dhcp_leases = '/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases'
RedHat: {
$dhcp_vendor = 'isc'
if ($::lsbmajdistrelease == 5) {
$dhcp_config = '/etc/dhcpd.conf'
} else {
$dhcp_config = '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf'
$dhcp_leases = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases'
default: {
$dhcp_vendor = 'isc'
$dhcp_config = '/etc/dhcpd.conf'
$dhcp_leases = '/var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases'

# DNS settings - requires optional DNS puppet module
$dns = false
$dns_managed = true
$dns_interface = 'eth0'
$dns_reverse = ''
# localhost can resolve to ipv6 which ruby doesn't handle well
$dns_server = ''
case $::operatingsystem {
Debian,Ubuntu: {
$keyfile = '/etc/bind/rndc.key'
$nsupdate = 'dnsutils'
default: {
$keyfile = '/etc/rndc.key'
$nsupdate = 'bind-utils'

$dns_forwarders = []

# Proxy can register itself within a Foreman instance
$register_in_foreman = true
# Foreman instance URL for registration
$foreman_base_url = "https://${::fqdn}"
# Proxy URL to be regestered
$registered_proxy_url = "https://${::fqdn}:${port}"
# User to be used for registration
$oauth_effective_user = 'admin'
# OAuth credentials
# shares cached_data with the foreman module so they're the same
$oauth_consumer_key = cache_data('oauth_consumer_key', random_password(32))
$oauth_consumer_secret = cache_data('oauth_consumer_secret', random_password(32))

$foreman_api_package = $osfamily ? {
Debian => 'ruby-foreman-api',
default => 'rubygem-foreman_api',