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# = Foreman Proxy Salt plugin
# This class installs Salt support for Foreman proxy
# === Parameters:
# $autosign_file:: File to use for salt autosign
# $user:: User to run salt commands under
# $api:: Use Salt API
# $api_url:: Salt API URL
# $api_auth:: Salt API auth mechanism
# $api_username:: Salt API username
# $api_password:: Salt API password
# $saltfile:: Path to Saltfile
# === Advanced parameters:
# $enabled:: Enables/disables the salt plugin
# $listen_on:: Proxy feature listens on https, http, or both
class foreman_proxy::plugin::salt (
Stdlib::Absolutepath $autosign_file = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::autosign_file,
Boolean $enabled = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::enabled,
Foreman_proxy::ListenOn $listen_on = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::listen_on,
String $user = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::user,
Boolean $api = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::api,
Stdlib::HTTPUrl $api_url = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::api_url,
String $api_auth = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::api_auth,
String $api_username = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::api_username,
String $api_password = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::api_password,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $saltfile = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params::saltfile,
) inherits foreman_proxy::plugin::salt::params {
foreman_proxy::plugin::module { 'salt':
enabled => $enabled,
listen_on => $listen_on,