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# @summary Generate a settings file for a module
# @param ensure
# Whether the config file should be a file or absent
# @param module
# Whether the config file is a proxy module or not
# @param enabled
# If module is enabled or not
# @param listen_on
# Whether the module listens on https, http, or both
# @param path
# Path to module's settings file
# @param template_path
# Location of the template used to generate module's settings
# @param owner
# Settings file's owner
# @param group
# Settings file's group
# @param mode
# Settings file's mode
# @param feature
# Feature name advertised by proxy module. If set, foreman_proxy::register
# will validate the feature name is loaded and advertised.
define foreman_proxy::settings_file (
Enum['file', 'absent'] $ensure = 'file',
Boolean $module = true,
Boolean $enabled = true,
Foreman_proxy::ListenOn $listen_on = 'https',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $path = "${foreman_proxy::etc}/foreman-proxy/settings.d/${title}.yml",
String $owner = 'root',
String $group = $foreman_proxy::user,
Stdlib::Filemode $mode = '0640',
String $template_path = "foreman_proxy/${title}.yml.erb",
Optional[String] $feature = undef,
) {
# If the config file is for a proxy module, then we need to know
# whether it's enabled, and if so, where to listen (https, http, or both).
# If undefined here, look up the values from the foreman_proxy class.

if $module {
if $enabled {
$module_enabled = $listen_on ? {
'both' => true,
'https' => 'https',
'http' => 'http',
default => false,

if $feature and $ensure != 'absent' {
foreman_proxy::feature { $feature: }
} else {
$module_enabled = false

if $ensure == 'absent' {
$content = undef
} else {
$content = template($template_path)

file {$path:
ensure => $ensure,
content => $content,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
require => Class['foreman_proxy::install'],
notify => Class['foreman_proxy::service'],