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# == Class: foreman_proxy_content
# Configure content for foreman proxy for use by katello
# === Parameters:
# $enable_yum:: Enable the RPM content feature. This allows syncing, managing and serving RPM content to be consumed by package managers like yum and dnf.
# $enable_file:: Enable the file content feature. This allows syncing, managing, and serving file content.
# $enable_docker:: Enable the container content feature. This allows syncing, managing, and serving container content.
# $enable_deb:: Enable the Debian content feature. This allows syncing, managing, and serving Debian content.
# $enable_ansible:: Enable the Ansible content feature. This allows syncing, managing, and serving Ansible content.
# $enable_katello_agent:: Enable katello-agent for remote yum actions
# $pulpcore_mirror:: Deploy Pulp to be used as a mirror
# === Advanced parameters:
# $puppet:: Enable puppet
# $reverse_proxy:: Add reverse proxy to the parent
# $reverse_proxy_port:: Reverse proxy listening port
# $qpid_router_hub_addr:: Address for dispatch router hub
# $qpid_router_hub_port:: Port for dispatch router hub
# $qpid_router_agent_addr:: Listener address for goferd agents
# $qpid_router_agent_port:: Listener port for goferd agents
# $qpid_router_broker_addr:: Address of qpidd broker to connect to
# $qpid_router_broker_port:: Port of qpidd broker to connect to
# $qpid_router_logging_level:: Logging level of dispatch router (e.g. info+ or debug+)
# $qpid_router_logging:: Whether to log to file or syslog.
# $qpid_router_logging_path:: Directory for dispatch router logs, if using file logging
# $qpid_router_ssl_ciphers:: SSL Ciphers to support in dispatch router
# $qpid_router_ssl_protocols:: Protocols to support in dispatch router (e.g. TLSv1.2, etc)
# $pulpcore_allowed_content_checksums:: List of checksums to use for pulpcore content operations
# $pulpcore_manage_postgresql:: Manage the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_host:: Host of the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database. Must be specified if external/unmanaged.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_port:: Port of the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_user:: User of the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_password:: Password of the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_db_name:: Name of the Pulpcore database in PostgreSQL.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl:: Enable SSL connection to the Pulpcore PostgreSQL database. Only meaningful for external/unmanaged DB.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_require:: Configure Pulpcore to require an encrypted connection to the PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_cert:: Path to SSL certificate to use for Pulpcore connection to PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_key:: Path to key file to use for Pulpcore connection to PostgreSQL database.
# $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_root_ca:: Path to the root certificate authority to validate the certificate supplied by the PostgreSQL database server.
# $pulpcore_worker_count:: Number of pulpcore workers. Defaults to 8 or the number of CPU cores, whichever is smaller.
# Enabling more than 8 workers, even with additional CPU cores available, likely results in performance
# degradation due to I/O blocking and is not recommended in most cases. Modifying this parameter should be done
# incrementally with benchmarking at each step to determine an optimal value for your deployment.
# $pulpcore_use_rq_tasking_system:: Use the older RQ workers tasking system instead of the newer PostgreSQL tasking system introduced in Pulpcore 3.14.
# Any benchmarking you did to optimize worker_count or other tasking related parameters will no longer be accurate after
# changing the tasking system. Do not modify this setting unless you understand the implications for performance and stability.
# $pulpcore_content_service_worker_timeout:: Gunicorn worker timeout in seconds for the pulpcore-content.service
# $pulpcore_api_service_worker_timeout:: Gunicorn worker timeout in seconds for the pulpcore-api.service
# $pulpcore_django_secret_key:: Secret key used for cryptographic operations by Pulpcore's django runtime
# $pulpcore_cache_enabled:: Enable Redis based content caching within the Pulp content app.
# $pulpcore_cache_expires_ttl:: The number of seconds that content should be cached for.
# Specify 'None' to never expire the cache.
class foreman_proxy_content (
Boolean $pulpcore_mirror = false,

Boolean $puppet = true,

Boolean $reverse_proxy = false,
Stdlib::Port $reverse_proxy_port = 8443,

Optional[String] $qpid_router_hub_addr = undef,
Stdlib::Port $qpid_router_hub_port = 5646,
Optional[String] $qpid_router_agent_addr = undef,
Stdlib::Port $qpid_router_agent_port = 5647,
String $qpid_router_broker_addr = 'localhost',
Stdlib::Port $qpid_router_broker_port = 5671,
String $qpid_router_logging_level = 'info+',
Enum['file', 'syslog'] $qpid_router_logging = 'syslog',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $qpid_router_logging_path = '/var/log/qdrouterd',
String $qpid_router_ssl_ciphers = 'ALL:!aNULL:+HIGH:-SSLv3:!IDEA-CBC-SHA',
Optional[Array[String]] $qpid_router_ssl_protocols = undef,

Boolean $enable_yum = true,
Boolean $enable_file = true,
Boolean $enable_docker = true,
Boolean $enable_deb = true,
Boolean $enable_ansible = true,
Boolean $enable_katello_agent = false,

Boolean $pulpcore_manage_postgresql = true,
Stdlib::Host $pulpcore_postgresql_host = 'localhost',
Stdlib::Port $pulpcore_postgresql_port = 5432,
Pulpcore::ChecksumTypes $pulpcore_allowed_content_checksums = ['sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'],
String $pulpcore_postgresql_user = 'pulp',
String $pulpcore_postgresql_password = $foreman_proxy_content::params::pulpcore_postgresql_password,
String $pulpcore_postgresql_db_name = 'pulpcore',
Boolean $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl = false,
Boolean $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_require = true,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_cert = '/etc/pki/katello/certs/pulpcore-database.crt',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_key = '/etc/pki/katello/private/pulpcore-database.key',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_root_ca = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
Integer[0] $pulpcore_worker_count = $foreman_proxy_content::params::pulpcore_worker_count,
Boolean $pulpcore_use_rq_tasking_system = false,
Optional[String[50]] $pulpcore_django_secret_key = undef,
Integer[0] $pulpcore_content_service_worker_timeout = 90,
Integer[0] $pulpcore_api_service_worker_timeout = 90,
Boolean $pulpcore_cache_enabled = false,
Optional[Variant[Integer[1], Enum['None']]] $pulpcore_cache_expires_ttl = undef,
) inherits foreman_proxy_content::params {
include certs
include foreman_proxy

$foreman_url = $foreman_proxy::foreman_base_url
$foreman_host = foreman_proxy_content::host_from_url($foreman_url)
$reverse_proxy_real = $pulpcore_mirror or $reverse_proxy

# TODO: doesn't allow deploying a Pulp non-mirror without Foreman
$shared_with_foreman_vhost = !$pulpcore_mirror

$rhsm_port = $reverse_proxy_real ? {
true => $reverse_proxy_port,
false => 443


include certs::foreman_proxy
Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] ~> Service['foreman-proxy']

class { 'foreman_proxy_content::bootstrap_rpm':
rhsm_port => $rhsm_port,

if $reverse_proxy_real {
class { 'foreman_proxy_content::reverse_proxy':
url => "${foreman_url}/",
port => $reverse_proxy_port,

include foreman_proxy_content::pub_dir

class { 'foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router':
ensure => bool2str($enable_katello_agent, 'present', 'absent'),
agent_addr => $qpid_router_agent_addr,
agent_port => $qpid_router_agent_port,
ssl_ciphers => $qpid_router_ssl_ciphers,
ssl_protocols => $qpid_router_ssl_protocols,
logging_level => $qpid_router_logging_level,
logging => $qpid_router_logging,
logging_path => $qpid_router_logging_path,
contain foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router

if $enable_katello_agent {
if $pulpcore_mirror {
class { 'foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router::connector':
host => $foreman_host,
port => $qpid_router_hub_port,
contain foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router::connector
} else {
class { 'foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router::hub':
hub_addr => $qpid_router_hub_addr,
hub_port => $qpid_router_hub_port,
broker_addr => $qpid_router_broker_addr,
broker_port => $qpid_router_broker_port,
contain foreman_proxy_content::dispatch_router::hub

if $pulpcore_mirror {
$pulpcore_allowed_import_path = ['/var/lib/pulp/sync_imports']
$pulpcore_allowed_export_path = []

https_content => template('foreman_proxy_content/_pulp_gpg_proxy.erb'),
} else {
$pulpcore_allowed_import_path = ['/var/lib/pulp/sync_imports', '/var/lib/pulp/imports']
$pulpcore_allowed_export_path = ['/var/lib/pulp/exports']

if $shared_with_foreman_vhost {
include foreman::config::apache
$servername = $foreman::config::apache::servername
$priority = $foreman::config::apache::priority
$apache_http_vhost = 'foreman'
$apache_https_vhost = 'foreman-ssl'
$apache_https_cert = undef
$apache_https_key = undef
$apache_https_ca = undef
$apache_https_chain = undef
Class['foreman::config::apache'] -> Class['pulpcore::apache']
} else {
include certs::apache
Class['certs::apache'] ~> Class['pulpcore::apache']
$servername = $certs::apache::hostname
$priority = undef
$apache_http_vhost = undef
$apache_https_vhost = undef
$apache_https_cert = $certs::apache::apache_cert
$apache_https_key = $certs::apache::apache_key
$apache_https_ca = $certs::katello_default_ca_cert
$apache_https_chain = $certs::katello_server_ca_cert

$api_client_auth_cn_map = Hash($ |$host| {
[$host, 'admin']

class { 'pulpcore':
allowed_content_checksums => $pulpcore_allowed_content_checksums,
allowed_import_path => $pulpcore_allowed_import_path,
allowed_export_path => $pulpcore_allowed_export_path,
apache_http_vhost => $apache_http_vhost,
apache_https_vhost => $apache_https_vhost,
apache_https_cert => $apache_https_cert,
apache_https_key => $apache_https_key,
apache_https_ca => $apache_https_ca,
apache_https_chain => $apache_https_chain,
apache_vhost_priority => $priority,
servername => $servername,
static_url => '/pulp/assets/',
postgresql_manage_db => $pulpcore_manage_postgresql,
postgresql_db_host => $pulpcore_postgresql_host,
postgresql_db_port => $pulpcore_postgresql_port,
postgresql_db_user => $pulpcore_postgresql_user,
postgresql_db_password => $pulpcore_postgresql_password,
postgresql_db_name => $pulpcore_postgresql_db_name,
postgresql_db_ssl => $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl,
postgresql_db_ssl_require => $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_require,
postgresql_db_ssl_cert => $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_cert,
postgresql_db_ssl_key => $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_key,
postgresql_db_ssl_root_ca => $pulpcore_postgresql_ssl_root_ca,
worker_count => $pulpcore_worker_count,
use_rq_tasking_system => $pulpcore_use_rq_tasking_system,
django_secret_key => $pulpcore_django_secret_key,
content_service_worker_timeout => $pulpcore_content_service_worker_timeout,
api_service_worker_timeout => $pulpcore_api_service_worker_timeout,
api_client_auth_cn_map => $api_client_auth_cn_map,
cache_enabled => $pulpcore_cache_enabled,
cache_expires_ttl => $pulpcore_cache_expires_ttl,
before => Class['foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp'],

if $enable_docker {
include pulpcore::plugin::container
unless $shared_with_foreman_vhost {
include foreman_proxy_content::container
class { 'foreman_proxy::plugin::container_gateway':
pulp_endpoint => "https://${servername}",
if $enable_file {
class { 'pulpcore::plugin::file':
use_pulp2_content_route => true,
if $enable_yum {
class { 'pulpcore::plugin::rpm':
use_pulp2_content_route => true,
if $enable_deb {
class { 'pulpcore::plugin::deb':
use_pulp2_content_route => true,
if $enable_ansible {
class { 'pulpcore::plugin::ansible':
include pulpcore::plugin::certguard # Required to be present by Katello when syncing a content proxy

class { 'foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp':
pulpcore_enabled => true,
pulpcore_mirror => $pulpcore_mirror,
pulpcore_api_url => "https://${servername}",
pulpcore_content_url => "https://${servername}${pulpcore::apache::content_path}",
client_authentication => ['client_certificate'],
require => Class['pulpcore'],

if $puppet {
# We can't pull the certs out to the top level, because of how it gets the default
# parameter values from the main certs class. Kafo can't handle that case, so
# it remains here for now.
include puppet
if $puppet::server and $puppet::server::foreman {
class { 'certs::puppet':
hostname => $certs::foreman_proxy::hostname,
before => Class['puppet::server::config'],