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# Configure the node
# === Parameters:
# $parent_fqdn:: fqdn of the parent node. REQUIRED
# $certs_tar:: path to a tar with certs for the node
# $pulp_master:: whether the capsule should be identified as a pulp master server
# $pulp_admin_password:: password for the Pulp admin user. It should be left blank so that a random password is generated
# $pulp_oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $pulp_oauth_key:: OAuth key to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $pulp_oauth_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $puppet:: Use puppet
# type:boolean
# $puppet_ca_proxy:: The actual server that handles puppet CA.
# Setting this to anything non-empty causes
# the apache vhost to set up a proxy for all
# certificates pointing to the value.
# $reverse_proxy:: Add reverse proxy to the parent
# type:boolean
# $reverse_proxy_port:: reverse proxy listening port
# $rhsm_url:: The URL that the RHSM API is rooted at
# $qpid_router:: Configure qpid dispatch router
# type:boolean
# $qpid_router_hub_addr:: Address for dispatch router hub
# $qpid_router_hub_port:: Port for dispatch router hub
# $qpid_router_agent_addr:: Listener address for goferd agents
# $qpid_router_agent_port:: Listener port for goferd agents
# $qpid_router_broker_addr:: Address of qpidd broker to connect to
# $qpid_router_broker_port:: Port of qpidd broker to connect to
# $enable_ostree:: Boolean to enable ostree plugin. This requires existence of an ostree install.
# type:boolean
class capsule (
$parent_fqdn = $capsule::params::parent_fqdn,
$certs_tar = $capsule::params::certs_tar,
$pulp_master = $capsule::params::pulp_master,
$pulp_admin_password = $capsule::params::pulp_admin_password,
$pulp_oauth_effective_user = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_effective_user,
$pulp_oauth_key = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_key,
$pulp_oauth_secret = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_secret,

$puppet = $capsule::params::puppet,
$puppet_ca_proxy = $capsule::params::puppet_ca_proxy,

$reverse_proxy = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy,
$reverse_proxy_port = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy_port,

$rhsm_url = $capsule::params::rhsm_url,

$qpid_router = $capsule::params::qpid_router,
$qpid_router_hub_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_addr,
$qpid_router_hub_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_hub_port,
$qpid_router_agent_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_addr,
$qpid_router_agent_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_agent_port,
$qpid_router_broker_addr = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_addr,
$qpid_router_broker_port = $capsule::params::qpid_router_broker_port,
$enable_ostree = $capsule::params::enable_ostree,
) inherits capsule::params {

include ::certs
include ::foreman_proxy
include ::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp


$pulp = $::foreman_proxy::plugin::pulp::pulpnode_enabled
if $pulp {

$capsule_fqdn = $::fqdn
$foreman_url = "https://${parent_fqdn}"
$reverse_proxy_real = $pulp or $reverse_proxy

$rhsm_port = $reverse_proxy_real ? {
true => $reverse_proxy_port,
false => '443'

package{ ['katello-debug']:
ensure => installed,

class { '::certs::foreman_proxy':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
require => Package['foreman-proxy'],
before => Service['foreman-proxy'],
} ~>
class { '::certs::katello':
deployment_url => $capsule::rhsm_url,
rhsm_port => $capsule::rhsm_port,

if $pulp or $reverse_proxy_real {
class { '::certs::apache':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
} ~>
Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] ~>
class { '::capsule::reverse_proxy':
path => '/',
url => "${foreman_url}/",
port => $capsule::reverse_proxy_port,

if $pulp_master or $pulp {
if $qpid_router {
class { '::capsule::dispatch_router':
require => Class['pulp'],

class { '::crane':
cert => $certs::apache::apache_cert,
key => $certs::apache::apache_key,
ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert,
require => Class['certs::apache'],

if $pulp {
include ::apache
$apache_version = $::apache::apache_version

file {'/etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp_nodes.conf':
ensure => file,
content => template('capsule/pulp_nodes.conf.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',

apache::vhost { 'capsule':
servername => $capsule_fqdn,
port => 80,
priority => '05',
docroot => '/var/www/html',
options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'],
custom_fragment => template('capsule/_pulp_includes.erb', 'capsule/httpd_pub.erb'),

class { '::certs::qpid': } ~>
class { '::qpid':
ssl => true,
ssl_cert_db => $::certs::nss_db_dir,
ssl_cert_password_file => $::certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
ssl_cert_name => 'broker',
} ~>
class { '::pulp':
enable_rpm => true,
enable_puppet => true,
enable_docker => true,
enable_ostree => $enable_ostree,
default_password => $pulp_admin_password,
oauth_enabled => true,
oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
messaging_transport => 'qpid',
messaging_auth_enabled => false,
messaging_ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert,
messaging_client_cert => $certs::params::messaging_client_cert,
messaging_url => "ssl://${capsule_fqdn}:5671",
broker_url => "qpid://${qpid_router_broker_addr}:${qpid_router_broker_port}",
broker_use_ssl => true,
manage_broker => false,
manage_httpd => false,
manage_plugins_httpd => true,
manage_squid => true,
repo_auth => true,
node_oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user,
node_oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
node_oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
node_server_ca_cert => $certs::params::pulp_server_ca_cert,
} ~>
class { '::pulp::child':
parent_fqdn => $parent_fqdn,
oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user,
oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
server_ca_cert => $certs::params::pulp_server_ca_cert,

ssl_content => template('capsule/_pulp_child_gpg_proxy.erb'),

class { '::certs::pulp_child':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
notify => [ Class['pulp'], Class['pulp::child'] ],

if $puppet {
class { '::certs::puppet':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
} ~>
class { '::puppet':
server => true,
server_ca => $::foreman_proxy::puppetca,
server_foreman_url => $foreman_url,
server_foreman_ssl_cert => $::certs::puppet::client_cert,
server_foreman_ssl_key => $::certs::puppet::client_key,
server_foreman_ssl_ca => $::certs::puppet::ssl_ca_cert,
server_storeconfigs_backend => false,
server_dynamic_environments => true,
server_environments_owner => 'apache',
server_config_version => '',
server_enc_api => 'v2',
server_ca_proxy => $puppet_ca_proxy,

if $certs_tar {
certs::tar_extract { $capsule::certs_tar: } -> Class['certs']
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::foreman_proxy']

if $reverse_proxy_real or $pulp {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::apache']

if $pulp {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs'] -> Class['::certs::qpid']
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::pulp_child']

if $puppet {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::puppet']