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# Configure the node
# === Parameters:
# $parent_fqdn:: fqdn of the parent node. REQUIRED
# $certs_tar:: path to a tar with certs for the node
# $pulp:: should Pulp be configured on the node
# type:boolean
# $pulp_master:: whether the capsule should be identified as a pulp master server
# $pulp_admin_password:: password for the Pulp admin user. It should be left blank so that a random password is generated
# $pulp_oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $pulp_oauth_key:: OAuth key to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $pulp_oauth_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for Pulp REST interaction
# $foreman_proxy_port:: SSL port on which foreman proxy will listen
# type:integer
# $foreman_proxy_http:: Foreman proxy listen on HTTP
# type:boolean
# $foreman_proxy_http_port:: HTTP port on which foreman proxy will listen
# type:integer
# $puppet:: Use puppet
# type:boolean
# $puppetca:: Use puppet ca
# type:boolean
# $puppet_ca_proxy:: The actual server that handles puppet CA.
# Setting this to anything non-empty causes
# the apache vhost to set up a proxy for all
# certificates pointing to the value.
# $reverse_proxy:: Add reverse proxy to the parent
# type:boolean
# $reverse_proxy_port:: reverse proxy listening port
# $tftp:: Use TFTP
# type:boolean
# $tftp_syslinux_root:: Directory that hold syslinux files
# $tftp_syslinux_files:: Syslinux files to install on TFTP (copied from $tftp_syslinux_root)
# type:array
# $tftp_root:: TFTP root directory
# $tftp_dirs:: Directories to be create in $tftp_root
# type:array
# $tftp_servername:: Defines the TFTP server name to use, overrides the name in the subnet declaration
# $dhcp:: Use DHCP
# type:boolean
# $dhcp_managed:: DHCP is managed by Foreman proxy
# type:boolean
# $dhcp_interface:: DHCP listen interface
# $dhcp_gateway:: DHCP pool gateway
# $dhcp_range:: Space-separated DHCP pool range
# $dhcp_nameservers:: DHCP nameservers
# $dhcp_vendor:: DHCP vendor
# $dhcp_config:: DHCP config file path
# $dhcp_leases:: DHCP leases file
# $dhcp_key_name:: DHCP key name
# $dhcp_key_secret:: DHCP password
# $dns:: Use DNS
# type:boolean
# $dns_managed:: DNS is managed by Foreman proxy
# type:boolean
# $dns_provider:: DNS provider
# $dns_zone:: DNS zone name
# $dns_reverse:: DNS reverse zone name
# $dns_interface:: DNS interface
# $dns_server:: Address of DNS server to manage
# $dns_ttl:: DNS default TTL override
# $dns_tsig_keytab:: Kerberos keytab for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication
# $dns_tsig_principal:: Kerberos principal for DNS updates using GSS-TSIG authentication
# $dns_forwarders:: DNS forwarders
# type:array
# $virsh_network:: Network for virsh DNS/DHCP provider
# $realm:: Use realm management
# type:boolean
# $realm_provider:: Realm management provider
# $realm_keytab:: Kerberos keytab path to authenticate realm updates
# $realm_principal:: Kerberos principal for realm updates
# $freeipa_remove_dns:: Remove DNS entries from FreeIPA when deleting hosts from realm
# type:boolean
# $register_in_foreman:: Register proxy back in Foreman
# type:boolean
# $foreman_oauth_effective_user:: User to be used for Foreman REST interaction
# $foreman_oauth_key:: OAuth key to be used for Foreman REST interaction
# $foreman_oauth_secret:: OAuth secret to be used for Foreman REST interaction
# $rhsm_url:: The URL that the RHSM API is rooted at
# $templates:: Enable templates proxying feature
# type:boolean
class capsule (
$parent_fqdn = $capsule::params::parent_fqdn,
$certs_tar = $capsule::params::certs_tar,
$pulp = $capsule::params::pulp,
$pulp_master = $capsule::params::pulp_master,
$pulp_admin_password = $capsule::params::pulp_admin_password,
$pulp_oauth_effective_user = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_effective_user,
$pulp_oauth_key = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_key,
$pulp_oauth_secret = $capsule::params::pulp_oauth_secret,

$foreman_proxy_port = $capsule::params::foreman_proxy_port,
$foreman_proxy_http = $capsule::params::foreman_proxy_http,
$foreman_proxy_http_port = $capsule::params::foreman_proxy_http_port,

$puppet = $capsule::params::puppet,
$puppetca = $capsule::params::puppetca,
$puppet_ca_proxy = $capsule::params::puppet_ca_proxy,

$reverse_proxy = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy,
$reverse_proxy_port = $capsule::params::reverse_proxy_port,

$tftp = $capsule::params::tftp,
$tftp_syslinux_root = $capsule::params::tftp_syslinux_root,
$tftp_syslinux_files = $capsule::params::tftp_syslinux_files,
$tftp_root = $capsule::params::tftp_root,
$tftp_dirs = $capsule::params::tftp_dirs,
$tftp_servername = $capsule::params::tftp_servername,

$dhcp = $capsule::params::dhcp,
$dhcp_managed = $capsule::params::dhcp_managed,
$dhcp_interface = $capsule::params::dhcp_interface,
$dhcp_gateway = $capsule::params::dhcp_gateway,
$dhcp_range = $capsule::params::dhcp_range,
$dhcp_nameservers = $capsule::params::dhcp_nameservers,
$dhcp_vendor = $capsule::params::dhcp_vendor,
$dhcp_config = $capsule::params::dhcp_config,
$dhcp_leases = $capsule::params::dhcp_leases,
$dhcp_key_name = $capsule::params::dhcp_key_name,
$dhcp_key_secret = $capsule::params::dhcp_key_secret,

$dns = $capsule::params::dns,
$dns_managed = $capsule::params::dns_managed,
$dns_provider = $capsule::params::dns_provider,
$dns_zone = $capsule::params::dns_zone,
$dns_reverse = $capsule::params::dns_reverse,
$dns_interface = $capsule::params::dns_interface,
$dns_server = $capsule::params::dns_server,
$dns_ttl = $capsule::params::dns_ttl,
$dns_tsig_keytab = $capsule::params::dns_tsig_keytab,
$dns_tsig_principal = $capsule::params::dns_tsig_principal,
$dns_forwarders = $capsule::params::dns_forwarders,

$virsh_network = $capsule::params::virsh_network,

$realm = $capsule::params::realm,
$realm_provider = $capsule::params::realm_provider,
$realm_keytab = $capsule::params::realm_keytab,
$realm_principal = $capsule::params::realm_principal,
$freeipa_remove_dns = $capsule::params::freeipa_remove_dns,

$register_in_foreman = $capsule::params::register_in_foreman,
$foreman_oauth_effective_user = $capsule::params::foreman_oauth_effective_user,
$foreman_oauth_key = $capsule::params::foreman_oauth_key,
$foreman_oauth_secret = $capsule::params::foreman_oauth_secret,

$rhsm_url = $capsule::params::rhsm_url,

$templates = $capsule::params::templates,
) inherits capsule::params {


if $pulp {

if $register_in_foreman {

$capsule_fqdn = $::fqdn
$foreman_url = "https://${parent_fqdn}"
$reverse_proxy_real = $pulp or $reverse_proxy

$rhsm_port = $reverse_proxy_real ? {
true => $reverse_proxy_port,
false => '443'

if $pulp_master or $pulp {
foreman_proxy::settings_file { 'pulp':
enabled => $pulp_master,
listen_on => 'https',
template_path => 'capsule/pulp.yml',


foreman_proxy::settings_file { 'pulpnode':
enabled => $pulp,
listen_on => 'https',
template_path => 'capsule/pulpnode.yml',

class { 'capsule::install': } ~>
class { 'certs::foreman_proxy':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
require => Package['foreman-proxy'],
before => Service['foreman-proxy'],
} ~>
class { 'certs::katello':
deployment_url => $capsule::rhsm_url,
rhsm_port => $capsule::rhsm_port

class { 'foreman_proxy':
custom_repo => true,
http => $foreman_proxy_http,
http_port => $foreman_proxy_http_port,
ssl_port => $foreman_proxy_port,
puppetca => $puppetca,
ssl_cert => $::certs::foreman_proxy::proxy_cert,
ssl_key => $::certs::foreman_proxy::proxy_key,
ssl_ca => $::certs::foreman_proxy::proxy_ca_cert,
foreman_ssl_cert => $::certs::foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_cert,
foreman_ssl_key => $::certs::foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_key,
foreman_ssl_ca => $::certs::foreman_proxy::foreman_ssl_ca_cert,
tftp => $tftp,
tftp_syslinux_root => $tftp_syslinux_root,
tftp_syslinux_files => $tftp_syslinux_files,
tftp_root => $tftp_root,
tftp_dirs => $tftp_dirs,
tftp_servername => $tftp_servername,
dhcp => $dhcp,
dhcp_interface => $dhcp_interface,
dhcp_gateway => $dhcp_gateway,
dhcp_range => $dhcp_range,
dhcp_nameservers => $dhcp_nameservers,
dhcp_vendor => $dhcp_vendor,
dhcp_config => $dhcp_config,
dhcp_leases => $dhcp_leases,
dhcp_key_name => $dhcp_key_name,
dhcp_key_secret => $dhcp_key_secret,
dns => $dns,
dns_managed => $dns_managed,
dns_provider => $dns_provider,
dns_zone => $dns_zone,
dns_reverse => $dns_reverse,
dns_interface => $dns_interface,
dns_server => $dns_server,
dns_ttl => $dns_ttl,
dns_tsig_keytab => $dns_tsig_keytab,
dns_tsig_principal => $dns_tsig_principal,
dns_forwarders => $dns_forwarders,
virsh_network => $virsh_network,
realm => $realm,
realm_provider => $realm_provider,
realm_keytab => $realm_keytab,
realm_principal => $realm_principal,
freeipa_remove_dns => $freeipa_remove_dns,
register_in_foreman => $register_in_foreman,
foreman_base_url => $foreman_url,
trusted_hosts => [$parent_fqdn, $capsule_fqdn],
registered_proxy_url => "https://${capsule_fqdn}:${capsule::foreman_proxy_port}",
oauth_effective_user => $foreman_oauth_effective_user,
oauth_consumer_key => $foreman_oauth_key,
oauth_consumer_secret => $foreman_oauth_secret,
templates => $templates,

if $pulp or $reverse_proxy_real {
class { 'certs::apache':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn
} ~>
Class['certs::foreman_proxy'] ~>
class { 'capsule::reverse_proxy':
path => '/',
url => "${foreman_url}/",
port => $capsule::reverse_proxy_port

if $pulp {
apache::vhost { 'capsule':
servername => $capsule_fqdn,
port => 80,
priority => '05',
docroot => '/var/www/html',
options => ['SymLinksIfOwnerMatch'],
custom_fragment => template('capsule/_pulp_includes.erb'),

class { 'certs::qpid': } ~>
class { 'pulp':
default_password => $pulp_admin_password,
oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
qpid_ssl_cert_db => $certs::nss_db_dir,
qpid_ssl_cert_password_file => $certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
messaging_ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert,
messaging_client_cert => $certs::params::messaging_client_cert,
messaging_url => "ssl://${::fqdn}:5671"
} ~>
class { 'pulp::child':
parent_fqdn => $parent_fqdn,
oauth_effective_user => $pulp_oauth_effective_user,
oauth_key => $pulp_oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $pulp_oauth_secret,
server_ca_cert => $certs::params::pulp_server_ca_cert,

class { 'certs::pulp_child':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn,
notify => [ Class['pulp'], Class['pulp::child'] ],

if $puppet {
class { 'certs::puppet':
hostname => $capsule_fqdn
} ~>
class { 'puppet':
server => true,
server_ca => $puppetca,
server_foreman_url => $foreman_url,
server_foreman_ssl_cert => $::certs::puppet::client_cert,
server_foreman_ssl_key => $::certs::puppet::client_key,
server_foreman_ssl_ca => $::certs::puppet::ssl_ca_cert,
server_storeconfigs_backend => false,
server_dynamic_environments => true,
server_environments_owner => 'apache',
server_config_version => '',
server_enc_api => 'v2',
server_ca_proxy => $puppet_ca_proxy,

if $certs_tar {
certs::tar_extract { $capsule::certs_tar: } -> Class['certs']
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::foreman_proxy']

if $reverse_proxy_real or $pulp {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::apache']

if $pulp {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::pulp_child']

if $puppet {
Certs::Tar_extract[$certs_tar] -> Class['certs::puppet']