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# = Definition: git::repo
# == Parameters:
# $target:: Target folder. Required.
# $bare:: Create a bare repository. Defaults to false.
# $source:: Source to clone from. If not specified, no remote will be used.
# $user:: Owner of the repository. Defaults to root.
# $group:: Group of the repository. Defaults to root.
# $mode:: Mode of the repository root. Defaults to 0755.
# $bin:: Git binary. Defaults to /usr/bin/git or /usr/local/bin/git.
# == Usage:
# git::repo {'mygit':
# target => '/home/user/puppet-git',
# source => 'git://',
# user => 'user',
# }
define git::repo (
$bare = false,
$source = false,
$user = 'root',
$group = 'root',
$mode = '0755',
$workdir = '/tmp',
$args = undef,
$bin = $git::params::bin,
) {

if $args {

$args_real = $bare ? {
true => "${args} --bare",
false => $args,

if $source {
$cmd = "${bin} clone ${args_real} --recursive ${source} ${target}"
} else {
$cmd = "${bin} init ${args_real} ${target}"

$creates = $bare ? {
true => "${target}/objects",
false => "${target}/.git",

file { $target:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => $mode,
exec { "git_repo_for_${name}":
command => $cmd,
creates => $creates,
cwd => $workdir,
require => Class['git::install'],
user => $user,