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<LocationMatch /rhsm|/katello/api>
# if ssl_client_certa is present set the header, otherwise don't override
# a reverse proxy may already be sending the cert through this header
SetEnvIf SSL_CLIENT_CERT "^..*" client_cert_present=1
RequestHeader set SSL_CLIENT_CERT "%{SSL_CLIENT_CERT}s" env=!client_cert_present
SSLVerifyClient optional
SSLRenegBufferSize 16777216
SSLVerifyDepth 2

# report to CLI and RHSM nicely when Katello is down
ErrorDocument 500 '{"displayMessage": "Internal error, contact administrator", "errors": ["Internal error, contact administrator"], "status": "500" }'
ErrorDocument 503 '{"displayMessage": "Service unavailable or restarting, try later", "errors": ["Service unavailable or restarting, try later"], "status": "503" }'