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Revision 6ecc581e

Added by Eric Helms over 10 years ago

Cleanup and updates to account for changes in the Candlepin, Pulp and Certs

View differences:

require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint'
PuppetLint.configuration.log_format = '%{path}:%{linenumber}:%{KIND}: %{message}'
PuppetLint.configuration.fail_on_warnings = true
include katello::params
group { $katello::group:
ensure => "present"
ensure => 'present',
} ~>
user { $katello::user:
ensure => 'present',
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
# this should be required by all classes that need to log there (one of these)
file {
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => '0750';
# this is a symlink when called via katello-configure
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => '0750';
file { $katello::params::log_base:
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => '0750',
file { '/usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/katello.rb':
ensure => file,
file { $katello::params::configure_log_base:
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => '0644',
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => '0750',
# create Rails logs in advance to get correct owners and permissions
file {[
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
content => '',
replace => false,
mode => '0640',
file { '/usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/katello.rb':
ensure => file,
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => '0644',
file {
ensure => file,
content => template("katello/${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml.erb"),
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => '0644',
before => [Class['foreman::database'], Exec['foreman-rake-db:migrate']];
content => template('katello/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644';
content => template('katello/etc/katello/client.conf.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644';
file { "${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml":
ensure => file,
content => template("katello/${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml.erb"),
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => '0644',
before => [Class['foreman::database'], Exec['foreman-rake-db:migrate']],
#File["/etc/sysconfig/katello"] ~> Exec["reload-apache"]
#File["/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.d"] ~>
#File["/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.d/katello.conf"] ~> Exec["reload-apache"]
#File["/etc/httpd/conf.d/katello.conf"] ~> Exec["reload-apache"]
file { '/etc/sysconfig/katello':
content => template('katello/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
# exec {"katello_db_printenv":
# cwd => $katello::params::katello_dir,
# user => $katello::params::user,
# environment => "RAILS_ENV=${katello::params::environment}",
# command => "/usr/bin/env > ${katello::params::db_env_log}",
# creates => "${katello::params::db_env_log}",
# before => Class["katello::service"],
# require => $katello::params::deployment ? {
# 'katello' => [
# Class["candlepin::service"],
# Class["pulp::service"],
# Class["foreman"],
# File["${katello::params::log_base}"],
# File["${katello::params::log_base}/production.log"],
# File["${katello::params::log_base}/production_sql.log"],
# File["${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml"]
# ],
# 'headpin' => [
# Class["candlepin::service"],
# Class["thumbslug::service"],
# Class["foreman"],
# File["${katello::params::log_base}"],
# File["${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml"]
# ],
# default => [],
# },
# }
# if $katello::params::reset_data == 'YES' {
# exec {"reset_katello_db":
# command => "rm -f /var/lib/katello/db_seed_done; rm -f /var/lib/katello/db_migrate_done; service katello stop; service katello-jobs stop; test 1 -eq 1",
# path => "/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin",
# before => Exec["katello_migrate_db"],
# notify => Postgresql::Dropdb["$katello::params::db_name"],
# }
# postgresql::dropdb {$katello::params::db_name:
# logfile => "${katello::params::configure_log_base}/drop-postgresql-katello-database.log",
# require => [ Postgresql::Createuser[$katello::params::db_user], File["${katello::params::configure_log_base}"] ],
# before => Exec["katello_migrate_db"],
# refreshonly => true,
# notify => [
# Postgresql::Createdb[$katello::params::db_name],
# Exec["katello_db_printenv"],
# Exec["katello_migrate_db"],
# Exec["katello_seed_db"],
# ],
# }
# }
# # during first installation we mark all 'once' upgrade scripts as executed
# exec {"update_upgrade_history":
# cwd => "${katello::params::katello_upgrade_scripts_dir}",
# command => "grep -E '#.*run:.*once' * | awk -F: '{print \$1}' > ${katello::params::katello_upgrade_history_file}",
# creates => "${katello::params::katello_upgrade_history_file}",
# path => "/bin",
# before => Class["katello::service"],
# }
# # Headpin does not care about pulp
# #case $katello::params::deployment {
# # 'katello': {
# # Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pulp/server.conf"]
# # Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pulp/repo_auth.conf"]
# # Class["candlepin::config"] -> File["/etc/pki/pulp/content/"]
# # }
# # default : {}
# #}
file { '/etc/katello/client.conf':
content => template('katello/etc/katello/client.conf.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
class { 'katello::service': } ~>
class { 'certs::qpid': } ~>
class { '::certs::pulp_parent': } ~>
class { 'pulp':
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
messaging_url => 'ssl://localhost:5671',
before => Exec['foreman-rake-db:seed']
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
messaging_url => 'ssl://localhost:5671',
qpid_ssl_cert_db => '/etc/pki/katello/nssdb',
qpid_ssl_cert_password_file => '/etc/katello/nss_db_password-file',
before => Exec['foreman-rake-db:seed']
class { 'candlepin':
user_groups => $katello::user_groups,
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
deployment_url => 'katello',
before => Exec['foreman-rake-db:seed']
user_groups => $katello::user_groups,
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
deployment_url => 'katello',
keystore_password => $::certs::candlepin_keystore_password,
before => Exec['foreman-rake-db:seed']
class{ 'elasticsearch':

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