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Revision b2168388

Added by Ivan Necas over 10 years ago


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# Katello specific certs settings
class katello::certs {
$ssl_build_path = '/root/ssl-build'
$katello_www_pub_dir = '/var/www/html/pub'
$candlepin_cert_name = 'candlepin-cert'
$candlepin_consumer_name = "${candlepin_cert_name}-consumer-${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_summary = "Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance ${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_description = 'Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm.'
file { $katello_www_pub_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'apache',
group => 'apache',
mode => '0755';
} ->
file { $ssl_build_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700';
} ->
file { "${ssl_build_path}/rhsm-katello-reconfigure":
content => template('certs/rhsm-katello-reconfigure.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
} ~>
exec { 'generate-candlepin-consumer-certificate':
cwd => $katello_www_pub_dir,
command => " --name '${candlepin_consumer_name}' --version 1.0 --release 1 --packager None --vendor None --group 'Applications/System' --summary '${candlepin_consumer_summary}' --description '${candlepin_consumer_description}' --requires subscription-manager --post ${ssl_build_path}/rhsm-katello-reconfigure /etc/rhsm/ca/candlepin-local.pem:644=${ssl_build_path}/${candlepin_cert_name}.crt && /sbin/restorecon ./*rpm",
path => '/usr/share/katello/certs:/usr/bin:/bin',
creates => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",
logoutput => 'on_failure';
} ~>
file { "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_cert_name}-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm":
ensure => 'link',
target => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",
# Katello Config
class katello::config {
include katello::config::files
include katello::params
# user { $katello::user:
# ensure => 'present',
# shell => '/sbin/nologin',
# comment => 'Katello',
# gid => $katello::group,
# require => Class['katello::install'],
# }
group { $katello::group:
ensure => "present"
} ~>
user { $katello::user:
ensure => 'present',
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
comment => 'Katello',
gid => $katello::group,
groups => $katello::user_groups,
# this should be required by all classes that need to log there (one of these)
file {
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => 750;
# this is a symlink when called via katello-configure
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
mode => 750;
file { '/usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/katello.rb':
ensure => file,
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => "0644",
# create Rails logs in advance to get correct owners and permissions
file {[
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::params::group,
content => "",
replace => false,
mode => 640,
file {
ensure => file,
content => template("katello/${katello::params::config_dir}/katello.yml.erb"),
owner => $katello::params::user,
group => $katello::user_groups,
mode => "0644",
before => [Class['foreman::database'], Exec['foreman-rake-db:migrate']];
content => template("katello/etc/sysconfig/katello.erb"),
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "644";
content => template("katello/etc/katello/client.conf.erb"),
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "644";
# exec { 'ktmigrate':
# command => "${foreman::app_root}/extras/dbmigrate",
ensure => 'present'
user { $katello::user:
ensure => 'present',
shell => '/sbin/nologin',
comment => 'Katello',
gid => $katello::group,
groups => $katello::user_groups,
require => Class['katello::install'],
class { '::certs': generate => true, deploy => true }
class { 'apache::certs': } ->
class { 'katello::install': } ->
class { 'katello::ktcerts': } -> # TODO: don't include certs class directly from here and renamd ktcerts to certs later
class { 'katello::config::files': }
class { 'apache::certs': } ~>
class { 'katello::install': } ~>
class { 'katello::certs': } ~>
class { 'katello::config': } ~>
class { 'pulp::parent::certs': } ~>
class { 'pulp':
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
} ~>
class { 'candlepin':
user_groups => $katello::user_groups,
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
# Katello specific certs
class katello::ktcerts {
$ssl_build_path = '/root/ssl-build'
$katello_www_pub_dir = '/var/www/html/pub'
$candlepin_cert_name = 'candlepin-cert'
$candlepin_consumer_name = "${candlepin_cert_name}-consumer-${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_summary = "Subscription-manager consumer certificate for Katello instance ${::fqdn}"
$candlepin_consumer_description = 'Consumer certificate and post installation script that configures rhsm.'
file { $katello_www_pub_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'apache',
group => 'apache',
mode => '0755';
} ->
file { $ssl_build_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700';
} ->
file { "${ssl_build_path}/rhsm-katello-reconfigure":
content => template('certs/rhsm-katello-reconfigure.erb'),
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
} ~>
exec { 'generate-candlepin-consumer-certificate':
cwd => $katello_www_pub_dir,
command => " --name '${candlepin_consumer_name}' --version 1.0 --release 1 --packager None --vendor None --group 'Applications/System' --summary '${candlepin_consumer_summary}' --description '${candlepin_consumer_description}' --requires subscription-manager --post ${ssl_build_path}/rhsm-katello-reconfigure /etc/rhsm/ca/candlepin-local.pem:644=${ssl_build_path}/${candlepin_cert_name}.crt && /sbin/restorecon ./*rpm",
path => '/usr/share/katello/certs:/usr/bin:/bin',
creates => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",
logoutput => 'on_failure';
} ~>
file { "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_cert_name}-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm":
ensure => 'link',
target => "${katello_www_pub_dir}/${candlepin_consumer_name}-1.0-1.noarch.rpm",

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