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# == Class: katello
# Install and configure katello
# === Parameters:
# $user:: The Katello system user name
# $group:: The Katello system user group
# $user_groups:: Extra user groups the Katello user is a part of
# $oauth_key:: The oauth key for talking to the candlepin API
# $oauth_secret:: The oauth secret for talking to the candlepin API
# $post_sync_token:: The shared secret for pulp notifying katello about
# completed syncs
# $log_dir:: Location for Katello log files to be placed
# $config_dir:: Location for Katello config files
# $use_passenger:: Whether Katello is being deployed with Passenger
# $proxy_url:: URL of the proxy server
# $proxy_port:: Port the proxy is running on
# $proxy_username:: Proxy username for authentication
# $proxy_password:: Proxy password for authentication
# $cdn_ssl_version:: SSL version used to communicate with the CDN. Optional. Use SSLv23 or TLSv1
# $package_names:: Packages that this module ensures are present instead of the default
class katello (

$user = $katello::params::user,
$group = $katello::params::group,
$user_groups = $katello::params::user_groups,

$oauth_key = $katello::params::oauth_key,
$oauth_secret = $katello::params::oauth_secret,

$post_sync_token = $katello::params::post_sync_token,

$log_dir = $katello::params::log_dir,
$config_dir = $katello::params::config_dir,

$use_passenger = $katello::params::use_passenger,

$proxy_url = $katello::params::proxy_url,
$proxy_port = $katello::params::proxy_port,
$proxy_username = $katello::params::proxy_username,
$proxy_password = $katello::params::proxy_password,
$cdn_ssl_version = $katello::params::cdn_ssl_version,

$package_names = $katello::params::package_names,
) inherits katello::params {

Class['certs'] ~>
class { '::certs::apache': } ~>
class { '::katello::install': } ~>
class { '::katello::config': } ~>
class { '::certs::qpid': } ~>
class { '::certs::candlepin': } ~>
class { '::candlepin':
user_groups => $katello::user_groups,
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
deployment_url => $katello::deployment_url,
ca_key => $certs::ca_key,
ca_cert => $certs::ca_cert_stripped,
keystore_password => $::certs::candlepin::keystore_password,
enable_basic_auth => false,
consumer_system_name_pattern => '.+',
adapter_module => 'org.candlepin.katello.KatelloModule',
} ~>
class { '::qpid':
ssl => true,
ssl_cert_db => $::certs::nss_db_dir,
ssl_cert_password_file => $::certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
ssl_cert_name => 'broker',
} ~>
class { '::certs::pulp_parent': } ~>
class { '::pulp':
ca_cert => $::certs::ca_cert,
ca_key => $::certs::ca_key,
ssl_ca_cert => $::certs::ca_cert,
oauth_enabled => true,
oauth_key => $katello::oauth_key,
oauth_secret => $katello::oauth_secret,
messaging_url => "ssl://${::fqdn}:5671",
messaging_ca_cert => $certs::pulp_parent::messaging_ca_cert,
messaging_client_cert => $certs::pulp_parent::messaging_client_cert,
messaging_transport => 'qpid',
broker_url => "qpid://${::fqdn}:5671",
broker_use_ssl => true,
consumers_crl => $candlepin::crl_file,
proxy_url => $proxy_url,
proxy_port => $proxy_port,
proxy_username => $proxy_username,
proxy_password => $proxy_password,
manage_broker => false,
manage_httpd => false,
manage_plugins_httpd => true,
enable_rpm => true,
enable_puppet => true,
enable_docker => true,
} ~>
class { '::qpid::client':
ssl => true,
ssl_cert_name => 'broker',
ssl_cert_db => $certs::nss_db_dir,
ssl_cert_password_file => $certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
} ~>
class { '::katello::qpid':
client_cert => $certs::qpid::client_cert,
client_key => $certs::qpid::client_key,
katello_user => $katello::user,
} ~>
class{ '::elasticsearch': } ~>

class { '::certs::foreman': }

Service['httpd'] -> Exec['foreman-rake-db:seed']

User<|title == apache|>{groups +> $user_groups}