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# Katello configuration for pulp
# @param mongodb_name
# Name of the database to use
# @param mongodb_seeds
# Comma-separated list of hostname:port of database replica seed hosts
# @param mongodb_username
# The user name to use for authenticating to the MongoDB server
# @param mongodb_password
# The password to use for authenticating to the MongoDB server
# @param mongodb_replica_set
# The name of replica set configured in MongoDB, if one is in use
# @param mongodb_ssl
# Whether to connect to the database server using SSL.
# @param mongodb_ssl_keyfile
# A path to the private keyfile used to identify the local connection against
# mongod. If included with the certfile then only the ssl_certfile is needed.
# @param mongodb_ssl_certfile
# The certificate file used to identify the local connection against mongod.
# @param mongodb_verify_ssl
# Specifies whether a certificate is required from the other side of the
# connection, and whether it will be validated if provided. If it is true,
# then the ca_certs parameter must point to a file of CA certificates used to
# validate the connection.
# @param mongodb_ca_path
# The ca_certs file contains a set of concatenated "certification authority"
# certificates, which are used to validate certificates passed from the other
# end of the connection.
# @param mongodb_unsafe_autoretry
# If true, retry commands to the database if there is a connection error.
# Warning: if set to true, this setting can result in duplicate records.
# @param mongodb_write_concern
# Write concern of 'majority' or 'all'. When 'all' is specified, 'w' is set
# to number of seeds specified. Please note that 'all' will cause Pulp to
# halt if any of the replica set members is not available. 'majority' is used
# by default
# @param manage_mongodb
# Boolean to install and configure the mongodb.
# @param num_workers
# The number of Pulp workers to use
# @param worker_timeout
# The amount of time (in seconds) before considering a worker as missing. If
# Pulp's mongo database has slow I/O, then setting a higher number may
# resolve issues where workers are going missing incorrectly.
# @param yum_max_speed
# The maximum download speed per second for a Pulp task, such as a sync. (e.g. "4 Kb" (Uses SI KB), 4MB, or 1GB" )
# @param pub_dir_options
# The Apache options to use on the `/pub` resource
class katello::pulp (
Optional[String] $yum_max_speed = undef,
Optional[Integer[1]] $num_workers = undef,
Integer[0] $worker_timeout = 60,
String $mongodb_name = 'pulp_database',
String $mongodb_seeds = 'localhost:27017',
Optional[String] $mongodb_username = undef,
Optional[String] $mongodb_password = undef,
Optional[String] $mongodb_replica_set = undef,
Boolean $mongodb_ssl = false,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $mongodb_ssl_keyfile = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $mongodb_ssl_certfile = undef,
Boolean $mongodb_verify_ssl = true,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $mongodb_ca_path = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt',
Boolean $mongodb_unsafe_autoretry = false,
Optional[Enum['majority', 'all']] $mongodb_write_concern = undef,
Boolean $manage_mongodb = true,
String $pub_dir_options = '+FollowSymLinks +Indexes',
) {
include katello::params
include certs

class { 'certs::qpid_client':
require => Class['pulp::install'],
notify => Class['pulp::service'],

include apache

# Deploy as a part of the foreman vhost
include foreman::config::apache
$server_name = $foreman::config::apache::servername
foreman::config::apache::fragment { 'pulp':
content => template('katello/pulp-apache.conf.erb'),
ssl_content => template('katello/pulp-apache-ssl.conf.erb'),

Anchor <| title == 'katello::repo' |> ->
class { 'pulp':
server_name => $server_name,
messaging_url => "ssl://${katello::params::qpid_hostname}:5671",
messaging_ca_cert => $certs::qpid_client::qpid_client_ca_cert,
messaging_client_cert => $certs::qpid_client::qpid_client_cert,
messaging_transport => 'qpid',
messaging_auth_enabled => false,
broker_url => "qpid://${katello::params::qpid_hostname}:5671",
broker_use_ssl => true,
yum_max_speed => $yum_max_speed,
manage_broker => false,
manage_httpd => false,
manage_plugins_httpd => true,
manage_squid => true,
enable_rpm => $katello::params::enable_yum,
enable_iso => $katello::params::enable_file,
enable_deb => $katello::params::enable_deb,
enable_puppet => $katello::params::enable_puppet,
enable_docker => $katello::params::enable_docker,
enable_ostree => $katello::params::enable_ostree,
num_workers => $num_workers,
enable_parent_node => false,
repo_auth => true,
puppet_wsgi_processes => 1,
enable_katello => true,
subscribe => Class['certs'],
worker_timeout => $worker_timeout,
db_name => $mongodb_name,
db_seeds => $mongodb_seeds,
db_username => $mongodb_username,
db_password => $mongodb_password,
db_replica_set => $mongodb_replica_set,
db_ssl => $mongodb_ssl,
db_ssl_keyfile => $mongodb_ssl_keyfile,
db_ssl_certfile => $mongodb_ssl_certfile,
db_verify_ssl => $mongodb_verify_ssl,
db_ca_path => $mongodb_ca_path,
db_unsafe_autoretry => $mongodb_unsafe_autoretry,
db_write_concern => $mongodb_write_concern,
manage_db => $manage_mongodb,

contain pulp

anchor { 'katello::pulp':
require => Class['pulp'],